EduTech Talks


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Ep #34 | Virtual Museums with Prof. Dr. Stephan Schwan | Part 2

Ep #34 | Virtual Museums with Prof. Dr. Stephan Schwan | Part 2

It is better to enter the convertation when you know the topic. That is why we chose to help you undrestand our next topic deeply. Smadar and Eleonora are discussing about the upcoming episode and our amazing guest.

Ep #33 | Virtual Museums with Prof. Dr. Stephan Schwan

Ep #33 | Virtual Museums with Prof. Dr. Stephan Schwan

It is better to enter the convertation when you know the topic. That is why we chose to help you undrestand our next topic deeply. Smadar and Eleonora are discussing about the upcoming episode and our amazing guest.

Ep #32 |  Let’s get to know the topic

Ep #32 |  Let’s get to know the topic

It is better to enter the convertation when you know the topic. That is why we chose to help you undrestand our next topic deeply. Smadar and Eleonora are discussing about the upcoming episode and our amazing guest.

Ep #31 |  We are back with a new team!

Ep #31 |  We are back with a new team!

The new team is here and has prepared many surprises and exiting things for all of you! Get to know everyone and stay tuned for more!

Ep #30 | AI in Education with Dr. Marius Schönberger

Ep #30 | AI in Education with Dr. Marius Schönberger

Dr. Marius Schönberger as our esteemed guest on EduTech Xp. An alum of Saarland University, Marius is extensively experienced in the fields of information systems, business administration and computer science. We talk to him about the opportunities of AI in education, and add to the growing discourse on how higher education institutions can adopt AI tools in their educational practices, without compromising on ethical aspects.

Ep #29 | Cognitive Load Measurement with Kristin Atlmeyer

Ep #29 | Cognitive Load Measurement with Kristin Atlmeyer

Educational psychologist Kristin Altmeyer to our podcast! Kristin is an alumna of our very own Saarland University (UdS).

Having a background in psychology, she has done some brilliant research in the fields of multimedia learning and augmented reality in learning.

Ep #28 | Student of Edutech: An Introspective Dialogue

Ep #28 | Student of Edutech: An Introspective Dialogue

The new year begins with some introspection, as we discuss all things EduTech with our very own Masters’ students. In our next episode, our students engage in a candid dialogue and share their experiences of the EduTech MSc. Study program at Saarland University, their learnings and how they perceive the current and future trends in the field of educational technology.

Ep #27 | Insights on Instructional Design with Paul Kirschner

Ep #27 | Insights on Instructional Design with Paul Kirschner

Paul Kirschner is a distinguished university professor engaged in educational research with extensive expertise in various educational technology topics, including learning and instructional design, computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), and media use in education.

Ep #26.2 | Intelligent Tutoring Systems – Personalization in Education

Ep #26.2 | Intelligent Tutoring Systems – Personalization in Education

Tomohiro Nagashima, a learning scientist and Ph.D. holder in Human-Computer Interaction who researches and designs novel learning strategies for learners and educators.

He talks about intelligent technologies, and especially intelligent tutoring systems that can provide personalized feedback to students in schools. 

Stay tuned as we learn more about this technology revolutionizing the education field!

Ep #26.1 | Intelligent Tutoring Systems – Personalization in Education

Ep #26.1 | Intelligent Tutoring Systems – Personalization in Education

Tomohiro Nagashima, a learning scientist and Ph.D. holder in Human-Computer Interaction who researches and designs novel learning strategies for learners and educators.

He talks about intelligent technologies, and especially intelligent tutoring systems that can provide personalized feedback to students in schools. 

Stay tuned as we learn more about this technology revolutionizing the education field!

Ep #25 | Beyond the real – Augmented Reality in Education

Ep #25 | Beyond the real – Augmented Reality in Education

Expert educator and psychologist Dr. Sarah Malone talks about the buzzword we can’t get enough of nowadays – Augmented Reality (AR).

How can AR be successfully implemented in education?

And what do teachers and students think about it?

Ep #24.2 | Unpacking the Mind: A talk with John Sweller

Ep #24.2 | Unpacking the Mind: A talk with John Sweller

Did our latest episode spark many interesting questions?

How does all of this link with EduTech?

For us it was so great we couldn’t get enough! Tune in for the second part of the interview with the man who developed cognitive load theory: Dr. John Sweller!

Dr. Sweller is a globally known cognitive psychologist, and we are so excited to have the opportunity to chat with him.

Ep#24| Unpacking the Mind: A talk with John Sweller

Ep#24| Unpacking the Mind: A talk with John Sweller

Join us as we delve into John Sweller’s pioneering work on cognitive load theory and its impact on education. Don’t miss out on this insightful conversation!

Holiday edition | Wrap up episode 1!

Holiday edition | Wrap up episode 1!

This special episode will wrap up the most listened-to episodes of the year! Wanna find out which ones were top favorites in 2022?

Ep#23.2 How can conversational agents be used in learning settings?

Ep#23.2 How can conversational agents be used in learning settings?

Our guest professor Stavros Demetriadis in the first part of the interview guided us through the main concepts of conversational agents. The second part of this interview will show how these technologies are already helping professors and students.

Ep#23.1 How can conversational agents be used in learning settings?

Ep#23.1 How can conversational agents be used in learning settings?

With new developments in machine learning, conversational agents are evolving and are able to engage with learners in many efficient ways. Our guest professor Stavros Demetriadis guides us through the main concepts of CA and how can they be incorporated into learning settings.

Ep #22 | What exactly is artificial intelligence, and how can AI be used in education?

Ep #22 | What exactly is artificial intelligence, and how can AI be used in education?

In this episode, we talk to Prof. Niels Pinkwart, vice-president of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, about how AI can be used in education, its advantages, and its potential threats.

Ep #21 | How is it like to use Robotics in education and how to orchestrate them in the classroom?

Ep #21 | How is it like to use Robotics in education and how to orchestrate them in the classroom?

In this episode, we talk to Pierre Dillenbourg, professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) about the role of robotics in education, how to orchestrate these activities and what are the uses, challenges and possibilities for further research.

Ep #20 | Happy Birthday EduTech Xp! What’s new and what might come next in EduTech?

Ep #20 | Happy Birthday EduTech Xp! What’s new and what might come next in EduTech?

In this episode, to celebrate our first anniversary, we talk to Professor Armin Weinberger, head and founder of the EduTech department at Saarland University. He gives some insights into his latest research and gives an outlook on what could be the upcoming needs and research topics in the future of the field.

Ep #19 | How do students perceive studying Educational Technology?

Ep #19 | How do students perceive studying Educational Technology?

In this special episode, we talk to Anish, Erin and Saroj, students from the EduTech masters degree at Saarland university. We explore their motivations, experiences and future plans in relation to their different academic backgrounds.

Ep #18.2 | What are hypertexts and how does technology enhance lifelong learning?

Ep #18.2 | What are hypertexts and how does technology enhance lifelong learning?

In this episode we talk to João Luiz Pereira da Costa Ferreira and Letícia Telles da Cruz, who are part of a Brazilian group that is doing research about multiliteracy in schools. In this first part of the interview, they will focus on critical racial literacy and memes and how they can help to foster multiliteracy.

Episode #18.1 | How to foster multiliteracy, using different approaches?

Episode #18.1 | How to foster multiliteracy, using different approaches?

In this episode we talk to João Luiz Pereira da Costa Ferreira and Letícia Telles da Cruz, who are part of a Brazilian group that is doing research about multiliteracy in schools. In this first part of the interview, they will focus on critical racial literacy and memes and how they can help to foster multiliteracy.

Episode #17 | Peer Reviewing: How useful is it to learn from others?

Episode #17 | Peer Reviewing: How useful is it to learn from others?

In this episode we talk to David Kofoed Wind, doctor and co-founder of Eduflow. Eduflow is a tool that allows you to create learning experiences in different ways. Eduflow provides solutions to integrate content using different LMS’s but the main feature we will be looking at in the podcast is Peer Reviewing.
We will discuss how peer reviewing can change the approach to online learning.

Episode #16 | How to involve maker culture, design-driven education and technology in classroom settings?

Episode #16 | How to involve maker culture, design-driven education and technology in classroom settings?

In this episode, we talk to professor Essi Vuopala, head of the international master’s degree in Learning, education and technology, from the University of Oulu about innovative ways to implement maker culture, design-driven education and collaborative learning involving technology in classroom settings.

Episode #15 | Learning With Social Media

Episode #15 | Learning With Social Media

In this episode, we talk with João Luiz Pereira da Costa Ferreira about his experiences including social media in the classroom. He uses platforms like YouTube or Instagram to foster critical thinking, intercultural exchanges and self-directed learning in Brazilian schools during the pandemic.

Episode #14 | How to teach children financial education through games and coding?

Episode #14 | How to teach children financial education through games and coding?

In this episode, we learn about projects in Brazil that aim to teach financial education through games and coding.

Episode #13 | EduTech for Music Teaching: Experience from Colombia

Episode #13 | EduTech for Music Teaching: Experience from Colombia

In this episode, we talk to Nicolas Combita, a Colombian musician who fell in love with pedagogy and discovered in technology and gamification an effective way to teach music. Through mobile devices, smart boards and music edition software he aims to improve current music-teaching methodologies, facilitate practice at home and enhance collaborative skills among his students.

Episode #12 | What’s important to know about digitalization in vocational schools?

Episode #12 | What’s important to know about digitalization in vocational schools?

In this episode we talk to Sandra Heidemann, project lead of Berufsschule digital about the solutions that project offered to vocational schools to meet digitalization needs and changes.

Episode #11 | Deeper Learning – How to support authentic performance?

Episode #11 | Deeper Learning – How to support authentic performance?

In this episode we talk to Janina Beigel about deeper learning. Deeper learning refers to a pedagogy in which learners engage deeply with knowledge and generate knowledge themselves by processing it through both instructionally guided processes of acquisition and self-regulated processes of co-construction and co-creation.

Episode #10 | Education Systems Around the World

Episode #10 | Education Systems Around the World

This is the third part of a small series called EduTech around the world. Every new generation of EduTech master’s students brings together a variety of nationalities from all around the world. Different countries means different educational systems, so we want to highlight and bring closer to you the diversity of teaching across the globe. In this episode, Dianna will give an insight into the education system of the USA and Ebube into the education system of Nigeria.

Episode #9 | How to foster students’ engagement through collaboration and cooperation?

Episode #9 | How to foster students’ engagement through collaboration and cooperation?

In this episode, we talk to Dr. Cvetanka Walter on how we can foster learner engagement through cooperation and collaboration, what is the difference between cooperation & collaboration and their unique potential in educational settings.

Episode #8 | Education Systems Around the World

Episode #8 | Education Systems Around the World

This is the second part of a small series called EduTech around the world. Every new generation of EduTech master’s students brings together a variety of nationalities from all around the world. Different countries means different educational systems, so we want to highlight and bring closer to you the diversity of teaching across the globe. In this episode, Daisy will give an insight into the education system of Vietnam and Homai into the education systems of Iran & the United Arab Emirates.

Episode #7 | Education Systems Around the World

Episode #7 | Education Systems Around the World

This is the first part of a small series called EduTech around the world. Every new generation of EduTech master’s students brings together a variety of nationalities from all around the world. Different countries means different educational systems, so we want to highlight and bring closer to you the diversity of teaching across the globe. In this episode, Claudio will give an insight into the education system of Brazil, Venkata into that of India and Eleonora into that of Italy.

Episode #6.2 | How to implement technology in collaborative learning?

Episode #6.2 | How to implement technology in collaborative learning?

In this episode, we talk to professor Pantelis Papadopoulos from the University of Twente, who showed with projects such as The Cube, SAGA and colMooc how learning designs and technology are interconnected and what kind of effects technological enhancement has on learner performance, engagement, peer review and feedback. This is the second part of the sixth episode.

Episode #6.1 | How to implement technology in collaborative learning?

Episode #6.1 | How to implement technology in collaborative learning?

In this episode, we talk to professor Pantelis Papadopoulos from the University of Twente, who showed with projects such as The Cube, SAGA and colMooc how learning designs and technology are interconnected and what kind of effects technological enhancement has on learner performance, engagement, peer review and feedback. This is the first part of the sixth episode. The second part will follow in two weeks.

Episode #5 | How to gamify and digitize education?

Episode #5 | How to gamify and digitize education?

In this episode we talk to Ryan Cutsforth about educational games, data privacy and the large amount of barriers that families and students face when trying to get in touch with technology.

Episode #4 | How does MoDiSaar promote digital competencies of future teachers?

Episode #4 | How does MoDiSaar promote digital competencies of future teachers?

In this episode we talk to Birk Thierfelder about one of the interdisciplinary projects the EduTech department is part of. MoDiSaar is a project that aims to improve the quality of teacher education at Saarland University by establishing a basic module that provides (prospective) teachers with knowledge about and skills in dealing with digitization.

Episode #3 | What is the power of storytelling?

Episode #3 | What is the power of storytelling?

Join us as we explore the ways that a well structured narrative can be deployed to string together individual facts in a way that gives meaning to information. Featuring a very special guest, Blake De Pastino (@westerndings).

Episode #2 | What is eye tracking and what do we learn from it?

Episode #2 | What is eye tracking and what do we learn from it?

In this episode we talk to professor Lisa Stark from Saarland University about eye tracking, its connection to EduTech and learning, the challanges the field faces and the benefits it brings.

Episode #1 | What is instructional design and what do designers do?

Episode #1 | What is instructional design and what do designers do?

In this episode we talk to Adewale Humphrey Ogunfusika about the implications of being an instructional designer and how the pandemic has changed the field.

Episode #0 | What is EduTech?​

Episode #0 | What is EduTech?​

In this episode we introduce our podcast and talk to Professor Armin Weinberger of Saarland University about the field of Educational Technology.

Welcome to Edutech Xp​ Podcast

Welcome to Edutech Xp​ Podcast

In this short trailer, Eric, one of our hosts, gives a brief overview of what you can expect from EduTech Xp.

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Holiday edition | Wrap up episode 1!

Holiday edition | Wrap up episode 1!

This special episode will wrap up the most listened-to episodes of the year! Wanna find out which ones were top favorites in 2022?

Ep#23.2 How can conversational agents be used in learning settings?

Ep#23.2 How can conversational agents be used in learning settings?

Our guest professor Stavros Demetriadis in the first part of the interview guided us through the main concepts of conversational agents. The second part of this interview will show how these technologies are already helping professors and students.

Ep#23.1 How can conversational agents be used in learning settings?

Ep#23.1 How can conversational agents be used in learning settings?

With new developments in machine learning, conversational agents are evolving and are able to engage with learners in many efficient ways. Our guest professor Stavros Demetriadis guides us through the main concepts of CA and how can they be incorporated into learning settings.

Ep #22 | What exactly is artificial intelligence, and how can AI be used in education?

Ep #22 | What exactly is artificial intelligence, and how can AI be used in education?

In this episode, we talk to Prof. Niels Pinkwart, vice-president of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, about how AI can be used in education, its advantages, and its potential threats.

Ep #21 | How is it like to use Robotics in education and how to orchestrate them in the classroom?

Ep #21 | How is it like to use Robotics in education and how to orchestrate them in the classroom?

In this episode, we talk to Pierre Dillenbourg, professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) about the role of robotics in education, how to orchestrate these activities and what are the uses, challenges and possibilities for further research.

Ep #20 | Happy Birthday EduTech Xp! What’s new and what might come next in EduTech?

Ep #20 | Happy Birthday EduTech Xp! What’s new and what might come next in EduTech?

In this episode, to celebrate our first anniversary, we talk to Professor Armin Weinberger, head and founder of the EduTech department at Saarland University. He gives some insights into his latest research and gives an outlook on what could be the upcoming needs and research topics in the future of the field.

Ep #19 | How do students perceive studying Educational Technology?

Ep #19 | How do students perceive studying Educational Technology?

In this special episode, we talk to Anish, Erin and Saroj, students from the EduTech masters degree at Saarland university. We explore their motivations, experiences and future plans in relation to their different academic backgrounds.

Ep #18.2 | What are hypertexts and how does technology enhance lifelong learning?

Ep #18.2 | What are hypertexts and how does technology enhance lifelong learning?

In this episode we talk to João Luiz Pereira da Costa Ferreira and Letícia Telles da Cruz, who are part of a Brazilian group that is doing research about multiliteracy in schools. In this first part of the interview, they will focus on critical racial literacy and memes and how they can help to foster multiliteracy.

Episode #18.1 | How to foster multiliteracy, using different approaches?

Episode #18.1 | How to foster multiliteracy, using different approaches?

In this episode we talk to João Luiz Pereira da Costa Ferreira and Letícia Telles da Cruz, who are part of a Brazilian group that is doing research about multiliteracy in schools. In this first part of the interview, they will focus on critical racial literacy and memes and how they can help to foster multiliteracy.

Episode #17 | Peer Reviewing: How useful is it to learn from others?

Episode #17 | Peer Reviewing: How useful is it to learn from others?

In this episode we talk to David Kofoed Wind, doctor and co-founder of Eduflow. Eduflow is a tool that allows you to create learning experiences in different ways. Eduflow provides solutions to integrate content using different LMS’s but the main feature we will be looking at in the podcast is Peer Reviewing.
We will discuss how peer reviewing can change the approach to online learning.

Episode #16 | How to involve maker culture, design-driven education and technology in classroom settings?

Episode #16 | How to involve maker culture, design-driven education and technology in classroom settings?

In this episode, we talk to professor Essi Vuopala, head of the international master’s degree in Learning, education and technology, from the University of Oulu about innovative ways to implement maker culture, design-driven education and collaborative learning involving technology in classroom settings.

Episode #15 | Learning With Social Media

Episode #15 | Learning With Social Media

In this episode, we talk with João Luiz Pereira da Costa Ferreira about his experiences including social media in the classroom. He uses platforms like YouTube or Instagram to foster critical thinking, intercultural exchanges and self-directed learning in Brazilian schools during the pandemic.

Episode #14 | How to teach children financial education through games and coding?

Episode #14 | How to teach children financial education through games and coding?

In this episode, we learn about projects in Brazil that aim to teach financial education through games and coding.

Episode #13 | EduTech for Music Teaching: Experience from Colombia

Episode #13 | EduTech for Music Teaching: Experience from Colombia

In this episode, we talk to Nicolas Combita, a Colombian musician who fell in love with pedagogy and discovered in technology and gamification an effective way to teach music. Through mobile devices, smart boards and music edition software he aims to improve current music-teaching methodologies, facilitate practice at home and enhance collaborative skills among his students.

Episode #12 | What’s important to know about digitalization in vocational schools?

Episode #12 | What’s important to know about digitalization in vocational schools?

In this episode we talk to Sandra Heidemann, project lead of Berufsschule digital about the solutions that project offered to vocational schools to meet digitalization needs and changes.

Episode #11 | Deeper Learning – How to support authentic performance?

Episode #11 | Deeper Learning – How to support authentic performance?

In this episode we talk to Janina Beigel about deeper learning. Deeper learning refers to a pedagogy in which learners engage deeply with knowledge and generate knowledge themselves by processing it through both instructionally guided processes of acquisition and self-regulated processes of co-construction and co-creation.

Episode #10 | Education Systems Around the World

Episode #10 | Education Systems Around the World

This is the third part of a small series called EduTech around the world. Every new generation of EduTech master’s students brings together a variety of nationalities from all around the world. Different countries means different educational systems, so we want to highlight and bring closer to you the diversity of teaching across the globe. In this episode, Dianna will give an insight into the education system of the USA and Ebube into the education system of Nigeria.

Episode #9 | How to foster students’ engagement through collaboration and cooperation?

Episode #9 | How to foster students’ engagement through collaboration and cooperation?

In this episode, we talk to Dr. Cvetanka Walter on how we can foster learner engagement through cooperation and collaboration, what is the difference between cooperation & collaboration and their unique potential in educational settings.

Episode #8 | Education Systems Around the World

Episode #8 | Education Systems Around the World

This is the second part of a small series called EduTech around the world. Every new generation of EduTech master’s students brings together a variety of nationalities from all around the world. Different countries means different educational systems, so we want to highlight and bring closer to you the diversity of teaching across the globe. In this episode, Daisy will give an insight into the education system of Vietnam and Homai into the education systems of Iran & the United Arab Emirates.

Episode #7 | Education Systems Around the World

Episode #7 | Education Systems Around the World

This is the first part of a small series called EduTech around the world. Every new generation of EduTech master’s students brings together a variety of nationalities from all around the world. Different countries means different educational systems, so we want to highlight and bring closer to you the diversity of teaching across the globe. In this episode, Claudio will give an insight into the education system of Brazil, Venkata into that of India and Eleonora into that of Italy.

Episode #6.2 | How to implement technology in collaborative learning?

Episode #6.2 | How to implement technology in collaborative learning?

In this episode, we talk to professor Pantelis Papadopoulos from the University of Twente, who showed with projects such as The Cube, SAGA and colMooc how learning designs and technology are interconnected and what kind of effects technological enhancement has on learner performance, engagement, peer review and feedback. This is the second part of the sixth episode.

Episode #6.1 | How to implement technology in collaborative learning?

Episode #6.1 | How to implement technology in collaborative learning?

In this episode, we talk to professor Pantelis Papadopoulos from the University of Twente, who showed with projects such as The Cube, SAGA and colMooc how learning designs and technology are interconnected and what kind of effects technological enhancement has on learner performance, engagement, peer review and feedback. This is the first part of the sixth episode. The second part will follow in two weeks.

Episode #5 | How to gamify and digitize education?

Episode #5 | How to gamify and digitize education?

In this episode we talk to Ryan Cutsforth about educational games, data privacy and the large amount of barriers that families and students face when trying to get in touch with technology.

Episode #4 | How does MoDiSaar promote digital competencies of future teachers?

Episode #4 | How does MoDiSaar promote digital competencies of future teachers?

In this episode we talk to Birk Thierfelder about one of the interdisciplinary projects the EduTech department is part of. MoDiSaar is a project that aims to improve the quality of teacher education at Saarland University by establishing a basic module that provides (prospective) teachers with knowledge about and skills in dealing with digitization.

Episode #3 | What is the power of storytelling?

Episode #3 | What is the power of storytelling?

Join us as we explore the ways that a well structured narrative can be deployed to string together individual facts in a way that gives meaning to information. Featuring a very special guest, Blake De Pastino (@westerndings).

Episode #2 | What is eye tracking and what do we learn from it?

Episode #2 | What is eye tracking and what do we learn from it?

In this episode we talk to professor Lisa Stark from Saarland University about eye tracking, its connection to EduTech and learning, the challanges the field faces and the benefits it brings.

Episode #1 | What is instructional design and what do designers do?

Episode #1 | What is instructional design and what do designers do?

In this episode we talk to Adewale Humphrey Ogunfusika about the implications of being an instructional designer and how the pandemic has changed the field.

Episode #0 | What is EduTech?​

Episode #0 | What is EduTech?​

In this episode we introduce our podcast and talk to Professor Armin Weinberger of Saarland University about the field of Educational Technology.

Welcome to Edutech Xp​ Podcast

Welcome to Edutech Xp​ Podcast

In this short trailer, Eric, one of our hosts, gives a brief overview of what you can expect from EduTech Xp.