Ongoing Experiments:

Overview of our studies

 Online-ArgumentationConcept-Maps (completed)
What?Study on online argumentation and learningStudy on collaborative learning with eye-tracking glasses and biometric devices
Who?Students for Lehramt on any subject All students
Where?Online – participation from your own homeSaarland University, Building C5.4, room 1.09
Technical Requirements?

a PC, laptop or Mac computer and stable internet connection

no webcam or microphone necessary

Additional Requirements?Native German, or at least C1 level  If you normally wear glasses: please wear contact lenses instead of glasses
English B2  level or higher
German C1 level or higher
Duration?About 130 minutesAbout 100 minutes
Number of meetings?11
Reward?2.5 VP2 VP hours (only for students in Educational Sciences), 20€ or 1 CP for EduTech students
Are you interested?Please send an email to the Online-Argumentation team ( with the subject „Interest in Online-Argumentation Study“ Please send an email to the learning with concept maps team ( with the subject line “Interested in Concept-Map Study”
Picking up VP-Ticket?With Ms. Liberado (building C5.4, 1.11) on Thursdays between 10:00 and 12:00 

Online Argumentation

Participants wanted for online argumentation study! 

As part of a scientific study, we would like to investigate learning with the help of online argumentation. You will engage in a written discussion with a learning partner. By participating, you will gain insight into this type of learning and make a significant contribution to science!  

The study takes place online, so you can participate from the comfort of your own home. The study will take approximately 130 minutes. You will receive 2.5 VP hours for participating. Prerequisites for participation in the study are that you are a Lehramt student and speak German as your mother tongue (or have at least C1 level). The technical requirements are: a PC or laptop and a stable internet connection. Are you interested? If you would like to participate, please send an email to the Online-Argumentation Team ( with the subject “Interest in Online-Argumentation Study”. 

We look forward to your participation!   

Learning with Concept Maps (Completed)

In this experiment, we would like to investigate and understand how learners coordinate with each other in a technology-enhanced, face-to-face learning situation. We are collecting eye-tracking data and physiological data (skin resistance) in this study. Please note that we are using eye-tracking glasses in this experiment. Therefore, you should not wear framed glasses to participate. To participate in this experiment, please wear contact lenses instead if you are a spectacle wearer. You will first prepare individually and then perform a collaborative learning task with another person. The entire experiment will take approximately 100 minutes. You will receive a VP ticket for 2 VP hours after participating. You are interested? If you would like to participate, please send an email to the Learn-with-Concept-Map team ( with the subject “Interest in Concept-Map Study”. If you would like to receive further information about the processing of your personal data, please click on the following link. Have fun participating!