Department of Educational Technology


Advances in technology are continuously revolutionizing learning inside and outside the classroom. Educational designers and teachers need to understand and orchestrate learning opportunities of the 21st century:

  • Social Media and Networks
  • Online-Tools and -Knowledge Resources
  • Multimedia-Messages
  • Simulations and Microworlds
  • Learning Games
  • Mobile Learning with Multi-Touch-Devices, e.g. Smartphones

Located at the French-German border (<2 hour train ride to Frankfurt & Paris), we address an international audience and emphasize cross-cultural approaches to learning and instruction at Saarland University. We encourage participatory designs, self-regulated learning, and intertwining research, learning, and instruction.

Please refer to EduTech Master for more information on the Master program and how to apply.
Please find us also on Facebook “EduTech (M.Sc.)“.

StO Master EduTech