

Santos, P. J. M., Tsovaltzi, D., Spengler, N., Grajcevci, A., & Weinberger, A. (2024, September 18-20). Open to change: impact of group membership perception on attitude change and evaluation bias [Paper presentation]. The fifth EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference “Digital, analogue, and hybrid learning spaces: rethinking dialogue, inquiry, and argumentation?!”, Berlin, Germany
Santos, P. J. M., Grajcevci, A., & Weinberger, A. (2024, September 18-20). Understanding a debate space: the relationship of attitudes, behaviour, and learning on eating habits [Poster presentation]. The fifth EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference “Digital, analogue, and hybrid learning spaces: rethinking dialogue, inquiry, and argumentation?!”, Berlin, Germany
Sharma, S., Thiel, C., Yildiz, D., & Weinberger, A. (2024). Making diagnostic decisions count: Design and development of a virtual patient environment for fostering medical education. In R. Ferreira Mello, N. Rummel, I. Jivet, G. Pishtari, & J. A. Ruipérez Valiente (Eds.), Technology enhanced learning for inclusive and equitable quality education. EC-TEL 2024. Lecture notes in computer science (Vol. 15160). Springer, Cham.
Spengler, N., Vogel, F., & Weinberger, A. (2024, August). When talkative wrongs impede the rights: Scaffolding novelty and reference for transactive discourse [Paper presentation]. EARLI SIG 6-7 Conference "Instructional Design and Technology-Enhanced Learning: Current States and Future Perspectives", Tübingen, Germany.
Thierfelder, B., Papadopoulos, P. M., Weinberger, A., Demetriadis, S., & Tegos, S. (2024). Adverse effects of intelligent support of CSCL—the ethics of conversational agents. In Ethics in Online AI-based Systems (pp. 3-23). Academic Press.
Üsküdar, T., Thiel, C., Yildiz, D., Grajcevci, A., Singh, A., Sharma, S., & Weinberger, A. (2024). Design and development of an AI-enhanced collaborative chat platform for medical education. In R. Ferreira Mello, N. Rummel, I. Jivet, G. Pishtari, & J. A. Ruipérez Valiente (Eds.), Technology enhanced learning for inclusive and equitable quality education. EC-TEL 2024. Lecture notes in computer science (Vol. 15160). Springer, Cham.


Santos, P. J. M., Tsovaltzi, D., Spengler, N., Grajcevci, A., & Weinberger, A. (2024, September 18-20). Open to change: impact of group membership perception on attitude change and evaluation bias [Paper presentation]. The fifth EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference “Digital, analogue, and hybrid learning spaces: rethinking dialogue, inquiry, and argumentation?!”, Berlin, Germany
Santos, P. J. M., Grajcevci, A., & Weinberger, A. (2024, September 18-20). Understanding a debate space: the relationship of attitudes, behaviour, and learning on eating habits [Paper presentation]. The fifth EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference “Digital, analogue, and hybrid learning spaces: rethinking dialogue, inquiry, and argumentation?!”, Berlin, Germany
Spengler, N., Vogel, F., & Weinberger, A. (2024, August). When talkative wrongs impede the rights: Scaffolding novelty and reference for transactive discourse [Paper presentation]. EARLI SIG 6-7 Conference "Instructional Design and Technology-Enhanced Learning: Current States and Future Perspectives", Tübingen, Germany.
Thierfelder, B., Papadopoulos, P. M., Weinberger, A., Demetriadis, S., & Tegos, S. (2024). Adverse effects of intelligent support of CSCL—the ethics of conversational agents. In Ethics in Online AI-based Systems (pp. 3-23). Academic Press.


Benvenuti, M., Cangelosi, A., Weinberger, A., Mazzoni, E., Benassi, M., Barbaresi, M., & Orsoni, M. (2023). Artificial intelligence and human behavioral development: A perspective on new skills and competences acquisition for the educational context. Computers in Human Behavior, 107903.
Fischer, F., Vogel, F., Bodemer, D., Chernikova, O., Cress, U., De Wever, B., Eberle, J., Jeong, H., Kollar, I., Pellegrino, J., Reimann, P., Rosé, C., Rummel, N., Shaffer, D. W., Stadler, M., Strijbos, J. W., Weinberger, A., & Zhang, J. (2023). Doing Quantitative Research in the Learning Sciences and CSCL: Current Developments and Applications. In J. D. Slotta & E. S. Charles (Eds.), General Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences 2023 (pp. 87-90). Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Fominykh, M., Divitini, M., Kalz, M., Slattery, D., Mavrikis, M., Weinberger, A., Dimitriadis, Y., Ley, T., & Sillat, L. H. (2023, September 5).  Teaching TEL: Curriculum development and exchange structure for European TEL teaching [Workshop]. 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2023, Aveiro, Portugal.
Kreijns, K., Yau, J., Weidlich, J., & Weinberger, A. (2023). Towards a comprehensive framework of social presence for online, hybrid, and blended learning. Frontiers in Education, 8, Article 1286594.
Moreira, A., Balula, A., Guerra, C., Fortunato, M., Tavares, R., Santos, P. J. M., Weinberger, A., Henderikx, M., Kreijns, K., Nakata, A., Pedaste, M., & Saks, K. (2023, September 5). Co-design of a framework for implementing hybrid teaching and learning strategies [Workshop]. 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2023, Aveiro, Portugal.
Nakata, A., Kreijns, K., Weinberger, A., Milosevic, M., & Jarvenoja, H. (2023, August 22–26). Investigating productive social interaction and the development of a group atmosphere in CSCL [Paper presentation]. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Santos, P. J. M., & Weinberger, A. (2023). Taking and Getting Perspectives on Controversial Topics: How Does It Change Attitudes and Affect Learning? In P. Blikstein, J. Van Aalst, R. Kizito, & K. Brennan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023 (pp. 1066-1069). Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Santos, P. J. M., & Weinberger, A. (2023, August 22–26). Perspective-taking and -getting’s impact on learning and attitudes in a text-based context [Paper presentation]. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Santos, P. J. M., & Weinberger, A. (2023). Blended Learning ohne Durchhänger: Prinzipien für positive und wirkungsvolle Blended-Learning-Kombinationen. weiter bilden: DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung, 30 (1). 1922. doi: 10.3278/WBDIE2301W
Santos, P. J. M., & Weinberger, A. (2023, April 4–6). Digital Competence and OER Readiness of Teachers in 3 European Countries [Paper presentation]. Open Education Conference, Inverness, Scotland.
Vogel, F., Rejon Zamudio, M. A., & Weinberger, A. (2023, August 22–26). Effects of Transactive Sentence Starters on Knowledge Co-Construction Processes and Outcomes [Paper presentation]. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Vogel, F., Weinberger, A., Hong, D., Wang, T., Glazewski, K., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Uttamchandani, S., Mott, B., Lester, J., Oshima, J., Oshima, R., Yamashita, S., Lu, J., Brandl, L., Richters, C., Stadler, M., Fischer, F., Radkowitsch, A., Schmidmaier, R., Fischer, M. R., Rejon, M. A., & Noroozi, O. (2023). Transactivity and Knowledge Co-Construction in Collaborative Problem Solving. In C. Damșa, M. Borge, E. Koh, & M. Worsley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL 2023 (pp. 337-346). Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Weinberger, A., Polo, C., Lund, K., Ahola, S., Jarvenoja, H., Törmänen, T. S., Malmberg, J., Lawrence, L. A., Lobczowski, N., Nokes, T., Litman, D., Asano, Y., Dahan, C., Davison, T., Kovashka, A., & Walker, E. (2023, August 22–26). Towards a process-perspective on the role of emotion in argumentation, dialogue, and reasoning [Symposium]. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Weinberger, A., & Thierfelder, B. (2023, August 22–26). Deepening and Broadening the Dialogue of Collaborative Learners with Conversational Agents [Paper presentation]. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Weinberger, A., & Santos, P. J. M. (2023, April 4–6). Benchmarking OER peer assessment – a comparison study [Paper presentation]. Open Education Conference, Inverness, Scotland.
Weinberger, A., & Santos, P. J. M. (2023). Der Open-Teach-Ansatz. ON - Lernen in der digitalen Welt, 12, 10-13.


Aoyama Lawrence, L., & Weinberger, A. (2022). Being in-sync: A multimodal framework on the emotional and cognitive synchronization of collaborative learners. Frontiers in Education, 7.
Aoyama Lawrence, L., & Weinberger, A. (2022, September 14-16). Instruction for Joint Attention on a Concept Map: Does it Impact Participation in Joint Reasoning? [Paper presentation]. The fourth EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference “Dialogue, inquiry and argumentation: shaping the future(s) of education”, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Kolling, A. L. G., Weinberger, A., & Niegemann, H. (2022). Co-designing MOOCs with CoDe-Graph. Journal of Formative Design in Learning. 
Rejón Zamudio, M. A., Vogel, F., Kukowski, N., & Weinberger, A. (2022, September 14-16). Facilitation of argumentative knowledge co-construction with transactive sentence starters [Paper presentation]. The fourth EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference “Dialogue, inquiry and argumentation: shaping the future(s) of education”, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Santos, P. J. M., & Weinberger, A. (2022, September 14-16). [Paper presentation]. The fourth EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference “Dialogue, inquiry and argumentation: shaping the future(s) of education”, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Thierfelder, B., & Weinberger, A. (2022, September 14-16). Broadening the Dialogue Through Conversational Agents Responding to What Is (Not) Being Said [Paper presentation]. The fourth EARLI SIG 20 & 26 Conference “Dialogue, inquiry and argumentation: shaping the future(s) of education”, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Weinberger, A. (2022). Challenges & pitfalls of practices and research on educational technology. Invited Talk at the DigiReady+ Multiplier Event. Duisburg, Germany.
Weinberger, A. (2022). Die Kraft des "ja, aber" und die soziale Dimension von kritischem Denken: Warum wir gemeinsam besser argumentieren. Gespräch mit Harald A. Mieg. In H. A. Mieg & F. Havemann (Hrsg.). Critical Thinking. Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2021 (S. 217-235). Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.
Weinberger, A. (2022). Instructional Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning as Orchestration and Multi-Disciplinary Co-Design. Invited Talk at the ICO “ICT and education: from theory to practice” summer school. Utrecht, The Netherlands.


Caballé, S., Demetriadis, S., Gómeez-Sanchez, E., Papadopoulos, P., Weinberger, A. (2021). Intelligent Systems und Learning Data Analytics in Online Education. Elsevier Academic Press
Lourenço, A.,  Michaliski, L., Weinberger, A., & Queiroz, S. (2021). Lembrança estimulada no desenvolvimento da prática reflexiva de licenciandos em química sobre argumentação. Quím. nova esc., 43(1), 129-140, São Paulo, Brazil. 
Noroozi O., Weinberger, A., & Kirschner, P. (2021). Editorial of the Special Issue: Technological and pedagogical innovations for facilitation of students’ collaborative argumentation-based learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. doi: 10.1080/14703297.2021.1978703
Papadopoulos P., Obwegeser N., & Weinberger A. (2021). Concurrent and retrospective metacognitive judgements as feedback in audience response systems: Impact on performance and self-assessment accuracy. Computers and Education Open, 2.
Papadopoulos, P. M., Obwegeser, N., & Weinberger, A. (2021). Let me explain! The effects of writing and reading short justifications on students' performance, confidence and opinions in audience response systems. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1– 11.
Weinberger, A., & Niegemann, H. (2021). »Guten Tag, ich bin Bildungstechnologe!« Professionalisierung der Bildungstechnologie durch deren disziplinäre Verortung. weiter Bilden 2, 36-39.


Niegemann, H., & Weinberger, A. (2020). Handbuch Bildungstechnologie: Konzeption und Einsatz digitaler Lernumgebungen. Springer. [preview] [book index] doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54368-9
Niegemann, H., & Weinberger, A. (2020). Was ist Bildungstechnologie? In H. Niegemann & A. Weinberger (Eds.), Handbuch Bildungstechnologie. Konzeption und Einsatz digitaler Lernumgebungen (pp. 1-19). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54373-3_20-1
Parmentier, Y., Reuter, R., Higuet, S., Kataja, L., Kreis, Y., Duflot-Kremer, M., Laduron, C., Meyers, C., Busana, G., Weinberger, A., & Denis, B. (2020). PIAF: Developing Computational and Algorithmic Thinking in Fundamental Education. In Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 315-322). Online, The Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). 


Busana, G., Denis, B., Duflot-Kremer, M., Higuet, S., Kataja, L., Kreis, Y., Laduron, C., Meyers, C., Parmentier, Y., Reuter, R.J., & Weinberger, A. (2019). PIAF : développer la Pensée Informatique et Algorithmique dans l'enseignement Fondamental. 
Kolling, A., & Weinberger, A. (2019). Convergence in co-design: Development and Effects of a Graphical Educational Modelling Language [Poster presentation]. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany. [poster]
Kolling, A., & Weinberger, A. (2019). Perspectives on MOOC Design among Higher Education Professionals in the Global South [Paper presentation]. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.
Lourenço A. B., Queiroz S. L., & Weinberger, A. (2019). Learner Preferences for Collaboration Scripts. Impact on Argumentation, Acceptance and Attitude [Paper presentation]. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.
Schmitt, L. J., Rick, J., & Weinberger, A. (2019). BiCo: a bipolar continuous rating scale for children’s technology evaluation. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 28(5), 503-516. doi:10.1080/1475939X.2019.1661279
Schmitt, L. J., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2019). Effects of Process Heterogeneity in Collaborative Learning with Tablets [Paper presentation]. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.
Schmitt, L. J., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2019). Effects of process heterogeneity in collaborative embodied learning with tablets. In D. Tsovaltzi & A. Weinberger (Chair and Co-Chair), Group Formation in the Digital Age: Relevant Characteristics, their Diagnosis, and Combination for Productive Collaboration. Symposium conducted at CSCL. In K. Lund, G. P. Niccolai, E. Lavoué, C. Hmelo-Silver, G. Gweon, & M. Baker (Eds.). A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings: The 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 2 (pp. 719-726). Lyon, France: The International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Schmitt, L. J., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2019). Single vs. Multi-touch Interfaces for Collaborative Learning with Tablets [Paper presentation]. 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.
Schmitt, L. J., & Weinberger, A. (2019). Fourth graders’ dyadic learning on multi-touch interfaces — versatile effects of verbalization prompts. Educational Technology Research and Development, 67(3), 519-539. doi:10.1007/s11423-018-9619-5
Tsovaltzi, D., Weinberger, A., Schmitt, L. J., Bellhäuser, H., Müller, A., Koner, J., … Van Aalst, J. (2019). Group Formation in the Digital Age: Relevant Characteristics, their Diagnosis, and Combination for Productive Collaboration. Symposium conducted at the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Lyon, France. [document and PDF]


Demetriadis, S. N., Karakostas, A., Tsiatsos, T., Caballé, S., Dimitriadis, Y., Weinberger, A., …Hodges, M. (2018). Towards Integrating Conversational Agents and Learning Analytics in MOOCs. Advances in Internet, Data & Web Technologies Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies. 1061–1072. [PDF] doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75928-9_98 
Demetriadis, S., Tegos, S., Psathas, G., Tsiatsos, T., Weinberger, A., Caballe, S., … Karakostas, A. (2018). Conversational Agents as Group-Teacher Interaction Mediators in MOOCs. 2018 Learning With MOOCS (LWMOOCS). doi:10.1109/lwmoocs.2018.8534686
Heeren, B., Jeuring, J., Sosnovsky, S., Drijvers, P., Boon, P., Tacoma, S., Koops, J., Weinberger, A., Grugeon-Allys, B., Chenevotot-Quentin, F., van Wijk, J., & van Walree, F. (2018). Fine-Grained Cognitive Assessment Based on Free-Form Input for Math Story Problems. In V. Pammer-Schindler, M. Pérez-Sanagustín, H. Drachsler, R. Elferink, & M. Scheffel (Eds.) Proceedings of EC-TEL’2018: 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (pp. 262-276). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98572-5_20
Kolling, A., Weinberger, A., Batangan, D., Saad, A., & Wan, T. (2018, November). Using Co-Design to Create MOOCs for Southeast Asian Audiences. Poster session presented at ASEM Education in a digital world: bridging the continents – connecting the people, Cologne, Germany.
Lourenco, A., Queiroz, A., & Weinberger, A. (2018, October). Ludic Engagement to Support Argumentation Practices of Chemistry Pre-Service Teachers. Poster Session presented at EARLI SIG 20, Jerusalem, Israel.
Lourenço, A. B., Queiroz, S. L., & Weinberger, A. (2018). Ludic Engagement to Support Argumentation Practices of Chemistry Pre-service Teacher. Paper presented at the Argumentation, emotion & scripting: learning sciences and interactive narrative design. Second Earli SIG 20 & 26 Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.
Lund, K., Knoller, N., Polo, C., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2018). Argumentation-Emotion & Scripting: Learning Sciences and Interactive Narrative Design. Symposium presented at Earli SIG 20 & 26 Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.
Papadopoulos, P. M., Natsis, A., Obwegeser, N., & Weinberger, A. (2018). Enriching feedback in audience response systems: Analysis and implications of objective and subjective metrics on students performance and attitudes. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning35(2), 305–316. doi:10.1111/jcal.12332
Schmitt, L. J., & Weinberger, A. (2018). Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Mediated and Co Present Forms of Learning Together. In J. Voogt, G. Knezek, R. Christensen, & K.-W. Lai (Eds.), Springer International Handbooks of Education. Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (pp. 217-231). Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71054-9_15
Tsovaltzi D., Puhl T., Schmitt, L. J., & Weinberger A. (2018). Scripting Dynamic Cognitive and Socioemotional Processes. Paper presented at the symposium Argumentation, emotion & scripting: learning sciences and interactive narrative design. Earli SIG 20 & 26 Conference, Jerusalem. [Presentation summary]
Weinberger, A. (2018). Orchestrating ICT for Education. Keynote at the 11th Pan-Hellenic & International Conference ICT in Education, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Weinberger, A. (2018). Orchestrierung Technologie-unterstützter Lernarrangements. Talk at the HS Ruhr-West, Bottrop.
Weinberger, A. (2018). Quality and innovation in Education. Paper presented at the First Meeting of the Distance Education Group in the Portuguese Educational Sciences Society, Aveiro, Portugal.
Weinberger, A., Alario-Hoyos, C., Bala, P., Batangan, D., Delgado Kloos, C., Kulathuramaiyer, N., … Wan, T. (2018). MOOCs With Purpose in Southeast Asia. Poster session presented at Learning with MOOCs, Madrid, Spain.
Weinberger, A., Hartmann, C., Schmitt, L. J., & Rummel, N. (2018). Computerunterstützte kooperative Lernszenarien. In H. Niegemann & A. Weinberger (Eds.), Lernen mit Bildungstechnologien: Praxisorientiertes Handbuch zum intelligenten Umgang mit digitalen Medien (pp. 1-19). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54373-3_20-1
Weinberger, A., & Kolling, A. (2018).  The orchestration of technology-enhanced learning arrangements. In T. Tinnefeld (Ed.), Challenges of Modern Foreign Language Teaching – Reflections and Analyses. (pp. 25-39). Saarbrücken: htw saar.
Weinberger, A., Sy, P., Bala, P., Basuki, A., Ramaiyer, N., & Sambul, A. (2018). Addressing Societal Needs through MOOCs in Southeast Asia. Paper presented at the Learning with MOOCS 2018, Madrid, Spain. doi:10.1109/LWMOOCS.2018.8534649 
Williams, C. A., Seufert, T., & Weinberger, A. (2018). Are we closer? Measuring Co-regulation Competencies in Collaborative Learning Environments. Paper presented at the Thirteenth International Conference for the Learning Sciences – ICLS 2018, London, UK.. 


Judele, R., & Weinberger, A. (2017). Adaptive Signposts out of the Echo Chamber: Enhancing Argumentation in Social networks. Civitas Educationis. Education, Politics and Culture, 6(1), 95-112.
Ladel, S., Knopf, J. & Weinberger, A. (Hrsg.). (2017). Digitalisierung und Bildung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. [Book ISBN 978-3-658-18333-2]
Puhl, T., Vuopala, E., Hurme, T.-R., & Weinberger, A. (2017). Effects of Fading Out Collaboration Scripts on Argumentation and Learning Outcomes in Facebook. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Tampere, Finland.
Schmitt, L., Rick, J., & Weinberger, A. (2017). Capturing children’s evaluation of educational technologies with “BiCo”. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland.
Schmitt, L., & Weinberger, A. (2017). Collaborative Learning on Multi-Touch Interfaces: Scaffolding Elementary School Students. In B. K. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier, & K. Y. Lim (Eds.) Making a Difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL: The 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 1.Philadelphia, PA, USA: The International Society of the Learning Sciences, pp. 9-16. [document]
Schmitt, L., & Weinberger, A. (2017). Scaffolding elementary school students’ collaborative learning on tablets. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland.
Tsovaltzi, D., Bodemer, D. Erkens, M., Heimbuch, S., Puhl, T., Schnaubert, L.,… Weinberger, A. (2017). Effects of explicit and implicit guidance on external and self-regulation through conflict awareness. Symposium organised for the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Tampere, Finland.
Tsovaltzi D., Dutta N., Puhl T., & Weinberger A. (2017). Supporting socio-cognitive conflict awareness in SNS discussions groups: A social network analysis. Invited paper presented at the Symposium Socio-cognitive conflict and learning: The role of regulation, argumentation and motivation, Organiser B. Schwarz, 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Tampere, Finland.
Tsovaltzi, D., Judele, R., Puhl, T., & Weinberger, A. (2017). Leveraging social networking sites for knowledge co-construction: Positive effects of argumentation structure, but premature knowledge consolidation after individual preparation, Learning and Instruction, (52), 161-179. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.05.004 
Weinberger, A. (2017). Orchestrierungsmodelle und –szenarien technologie-unterstützten Lernens. In S. Ladel, J. Knopf & A. Weinberger (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung und Bildung (S. 117-139). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-18333-2_7
Weinberger, A., & Schmitt, L. (2017). Attitudes towards using App Inventor in schools. German teachers’ perspectives. Poster presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Tampere, Finland.
Weinberger, A. (2017). Orchestration of technology-enhanced learning. Keynote at the 13th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning, Aveiro, Portugal.
Weinberger, A. (2017). Orchestration of technology-enhanced learning. Keynote at the 4th Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching, Saarbrücken, Germany.


Chanel, G., Lalanne, D., Lavoué, E., Lund, K., Molinari, G., Ringeval, F., & Weinberger, A. (2016). Grand Challenge Problem 2: Adaptive Awareness for Social Regulation of Emotions in Online Collaborative Learning Environments. In J. Eberle, K. Lund, P. Tchounikine & F. Fischer (Eds.)Grand Challenge Problems in Technology-Enhanced Learning II: MOOCs and Beyond(pp. 13-16). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007%2F978-3-319-12562-6_3  
Greenhow C., Hershkovitz A., Baruch A., Askari E., Tsovaltzi D., Asterhan C., … Polman J. (2016). Teachers and Professional Development: New Contexts, Modes, and Concerns in the Age of Social Media. Looi, C. K., Polman, J. L., Cress, U., and Reimann, P. (Eds.). (2016). Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016, Volume 1. Singapore: International Society of the Learning Sciences, (pp. 1136-1147), ISBN: 978-0-9903550-9-0, ISSN: 1814-9316.
Judele, R., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2016). Social Media Apps for Argumentation. Social Media Apps for Argumentation. The role of thinking styles, argumentation scripts, and awareness graphs. Poster presentation at EARLI SIG26 meeting, Ghent, Belgium.
Puhl T., Tsovaltzi D., & Weinberger, A. (2016). Skripts und Group Awareness Tools zur Regulation kooperativen Lernens in Sozialen Netzwerken. Presentation at GEBF 2016, Berlin, Germany. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.28728.55045
Puhl T., Tsovaltzi D., & Weinberger, A. (2016). Fostering argumentation in seminar discussions on Facebook: The effects of group awareness tools and argumentation scripts. Presentation at EARLI SIG26 meeting, Ghent, Belgium. [document]
Schmitt, L., Rick, J., & Weinberger, A. (2016). BiCo: Eine bipolare kontinuierliche Ratingskala zur Minderung von Deckeneffekten bei der Evaluation von Bildungstechnologien durch Kinder. Presentation at GEBF 2016, Berlin, Germany. [document]
Schmitt, L., & Weinberger, A. (2016). Dyadic argumentation of elementary school children with a reflective tool. Presentation at EARLI SIG26 meeting, Ghent, Belgium. [document]
Stegmann, K., Kollar, I., Weinberger, A. & Fischer, F. (2016). Appropriation from a script theory of guidance perspective: a response to Pierre Tchounikine. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 1-9, doi:10.1007/s11412-016-9241-7
Tegos, S., Demetriadis, S., Papadopoulos, P. M., & Weinberger, A. (2016). Conversational agents for academically productive talk: a comparison of directed and undirected agent interventions. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 11(4), 417-440. doi:10.1007/s11412-016-9246-2
Tsovaltzi D., Puhl T., & Weinberger A. (2016). Using social networking sites to support teacher-trainees professional development: The role of socio-cognitive conflict and argumentation. Presentation in Symposium Teachers and Professional Development: New Contexts, Modes, and Concerns in the Age of Social Media, Organisers: Greenhow C., Hershkovitz A., Forkosh Baruch A., at the conference Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016. Singapore, June 20-14.
Tsovaltzi D., Puhl T., Judele R., & Weinberger A. (2016). The good (CSCL), the bad (SNS), and… argumentative knowledge co-construction: Collaborative Learning in SNS. Presentation in preconference workshop Towards next steps for the CSCL Community: Advancing science and informing real world collaboration in Web 2.0, Organizers: Ulrike Cress, Carolyn Penstein Rosé at the conference Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016 Singapore, June 20-14 [document]
Tsovaltzi D., Dutta N., Puhl T., & Weinberger A. (2016). Effects of argumentative knowledge construction on attitude change processes in SNS-blended seminars. Presentation at the Earli SIG 20 &amp SIG 26: Inquiry Learning & amp Argumentation, Dialogue, and Reasoning Meetings; Organisers: van Joolingen W., De Wever, B., Raes A., Schwarz B., Weinberger A. & amp Vogel F. Ghent, August 22-24. [document]
Tsovaltzi D., & Michos K. (2016). The role of trust for quality argumentation in online communities of practice. Presentation at the Earli SIG 20 &amp SIG 26: Inquiry Learning &amp Argumentation, Dialogue, and Reasoning Meetings; Organisers: van Joolingen W., De Wever, B., Raes A., Schwarz B., Weinberger A. & amp Vogel F. Ghent, August 22-24. [document]
Weinberger, A., & Papadopoulos, P. M. (2016). Orchestration of social modes in e-learning. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on e-Learning (pp. 219-222). International Association for Development, IADIS. ISBN:978-989-8533-51-7 [PDF]
Weinberger, A., & Schmitt, L. (2016). Produktive Divergenz beim kooperativen Lernen mit iPads – eine multimodale Analyse des Falls “Tarzan und Jane”. Presentation at GEBF 2016, Berlin, Germany.


Judele, R., Tsovaltzi, D., Weinberger, A. (2015). Language learning through argumentation: the influence of scripts and awareness apps in Facebook. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Limassol, Cyprus. [document]
Limbu, B., Maquil, V., Ras, E., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Tomb of Osiris: Gamifying the Assessment of Collaborative Complex Problem Solving Skills on Tangible Tabletops. In E. Ras & D. Joosten-ten Brinke (Eds.), Computer Assisted Assessment. Research into E-Assessment: 18th International Conference, CAA 2015, Zeist, The Netherlands, June 22–23, 2015. Proceedings (pp. 61-68). Cham: Springer International Publishing. [document]
Lourenço, A. B., Weinberger, A., & Queiroz, S. L. (2015). The use of blogs in pre-service chemistry teacher education. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Special Issue 1, 574-580. [document]
Lourenço, A. B., Weinberger, A., & Queiroz, S. L. (2015). Argumentação científica na formação inicial de professores de Química. I Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Química “Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia no Cerrado: onde estamos e para onde vamos”, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil.
Puhl, T., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Blending Facebook into seminars for practicing argumentation. Computers in Human Behavior 53, 605-616. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.04.006
Puhl, T., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Group awareness and argumentation scripts: Fostering socio-cognitive conflict and argumentation in Facebook-based seminar discussions. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.10273.61286
Puhl, T., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2015). A long-term view on learning to argue in Facebook: The effects of group awareness tools and argumentation scripts. In O. Lindwall, P. Häkkinen, T. Koschman, P. Tchounikine & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.). Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015: Volume 1. Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Society of the Learning Sciences, pp. 110-117. (NAOMI MIYAKE BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD) [document]
Puhl, T., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Förderung argumentativer Prozesse in sozialen Netzwerken durch Argumentationsskript und Group Awareness Tool. Vortrag auf der 15. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS) 2015, Kassel, Deutschland. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.11112.47360
Puhl, T., Tsovaltzi, D., & Weinberger, A. (2015). A long-term view on learning to argue in Facebook: The effects of group awareness tools and argumentation scripts. Paper presented at Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL), Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 110-117. ISBN: 978-0-9903550-6-9. [document]
Rick, J., Kopp, D., Schmitt, L., & Weinberger, A. (2015).  Tarzan and Jane share an iPad. Paper presented at the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL), Gothenburg, Sweden. [document]
Rick, J., Kopp, D., Schmitt, L., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Tarzan and Jane share an iPad. In O. Lindwall, P. Häkkinen, T. Koschman, P. Tchounikine & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.) Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015, Volume 1. Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Society of the Learning Sciences, pp. 356-363. [document]
Schmitt, L., Rick, J., Kopp, D., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Productive divergence in collaborative learning – a case study. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL), Luxembourg.
Tsovaltzi, D., Judele, R., Puhl, T., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Scripts, individual preparation and group awareness support in the service of learning in Facebook: How does CSCL compare to social networking sites? Computers in Human Behavior 53, 577-592. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.04.067
Tsovaltzi, D., Judele, R., Puhl, T., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Individual preparation and argumentation scripts in social networking sites. In O. Lindwall, P. Häkkinen, T. Koschman, P. Tchounikine & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.). Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015, Volume 2. Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Society of the Learning Sciences, pp. 667-668. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., Judele, R., Puhl, T., & Weinberger, A. (2015). Individual preparation and argumentation scripts in social networking sites. Poster paper presented at the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL), Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN: 978-0-9903550-7-6 [document]
Tsovaltzi D., Greenhow C., & Asterhan C. (2015). When friends argue: Learning from and through social network site discussions. Computers in Human Behavior, 53, 567-569. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.08.021
Weinberger, A. (2015). Analyzing talk of collaborative learners. Workshop at the 1st REASON International Spring School. [more]
Weinberger, A. (2015). Big Data, Big Trouble? Chancen und Risiken von Learning Analytics. Presentation at the Learntec Congress, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Weinberger, A. (2015). Orchestrierung technologiegestützter Lernumgebungen. Invited Talk at Festo Lernzentrum. Rohrbach, Germany.
Weinberger, A. (2015). Orchestrierung technologieunterstützter Lernarrangements. Keynote at (Aus)Bildungskongress der Bundeswehr, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg, Germany.
Weinberger, A. (2015). Wissenskonvergenz in CSCL Umgebungen. Analyse und Förderung durch Kooperationsskripts. Invited Talk at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.
Weinberger, A., Puhl, T., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2015). Arguing in Facebook: The Effects of Group Awareness Tools and Argumentation Scripts. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL), Luxembourg.
Weinberger, A., Lourenço, A. B., & Queiroz, S. L. (2015). Argumentation in chemistry initial teacher training: Experiences and perceptions of pre-service teachers. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL), Luxembourg.


Clayphan, A., Kay, J., & Weinberger, A. (2014). ScriptStorm: scripting to enhance tabletop brainstorming. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(6), 1433-1453. doi:10.1007/s00779-013-0746-z
Dijk, A., Gijlers, H., & Weinberger, A. (2014). Scripted collaborative drawing in elementary science education. Instructional Science, 42(3), 353-372. doi:10.1007/s11251-013-9286-1
Evans, M. A., & Rick, J. (2014). Supporting learning with interactive surfaces and spaces. In J. M. Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. Elen & M. J. Bishop (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 689–701). Berlin: Springer Verlag. [PDF]
Gehlen-Baum, V., & Weinberger, A. (2014). Teaching, learning and media use in today’s lectures. Computers in Human Behavior, 37(0), 171-182. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.04.049
Judele, R., Tsovaltzi, D., Puhl, T., & Weinberger, A. (2014). Collaborative learning in Facebook: Adverse effects of individual preparation. System Science (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 1616-1624). ISBN: 978-1-4799-2504-9. IEEE Washington, DC, USA Computers Society. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.207
Judele, R., Tsovaltzi, D., Puhl, T., & Weinberger, A. (2014). Collaborative learning in Facebook: adverse effects of individual preparation. Paper presented at the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2014 (HICSS), Waikoloa, HI. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.207
Nistor, N., Lerche, T., Weinberger, A., Ceobanu, C., & Heymann, O. (2014). Towards the integration of culture into the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(1), 36-55. [PDF] doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01383.x
Scheuer, O., McLaren, B. M., Weinberger, A., & Niebuhr, S. (2014). Promoting critical, elaborative discussions through a collaboration script and argument diagrams. Instructional Science, 42(2), 127–157. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., Asterhan, C., Greenhow, C., Judele, R., Puhl, T., Hever, R., … Weinberger, A. (2014). When friends argue: Investigating argumentative learning processes in Facebook. In J.L. Polman, E. A. Kyza, D. K. O’Neill, I. Tabak, W. R. Penuel, A. S. Jurow, K. O’Connor, T. Lee and L. D’Amico (Eds.). (2014). Learning and becoming in practice: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014, Volume 3. Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Tsovaltzi, D., Puhl, T., Judele, R., & Weinberger, A. (2014). Group awareness support and argumentation scripts for individual preparation of arguments in Facebook. Computers & Education, 76, 108-118, doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.03.012
Weinberger, A., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2014, May). Learning with Facebook. Presentation at the Practical Workshop “Social Media, Learning, and Education”, Jerusalem, Israel.
Weinberger, A. (2014). Vorlesung und Ablenkung. Wie Studierende mobile Geräte in Vorlesungen verwenden. Forschung und Lehre, 10, 838-839. [PDF]


Fischer, F., Kollar, I., Stegmann, K., Wecker, C., Zottmann, J., & Weinberger, A. (2013). Collaboration scripts in computer-supported collaborative learning. In C. E. Hmelo-Silver, A. O’Donnell, C. A. Chinn, C. Chan (Eds.), The international handbook of collaborative learning (pp. 403–419). New York, NY: Routledge.
Fransen, J., Weinberger, A., & Kirschner, P. (2013). Team effectiveness and team development in CSCL. Educational Psychologist, 48(1), 9–24. doi:10.1080/00461520.2012.747947
Gehlen-Baum, V., & Weinberger, A. (2013, August). Question asking in large lectures. Paper to be presented at EARLI 2013, Munich, Germany.
Gijlers, H., Weinberger, A., Dijk, A., Bollen, L., & Joolingen, W. (2013). Collaborative drawing on a shared digital canvas in elementary science education: The effects of script and task awareness support. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 8(4), 427-453. doi:10.1007/s11412-013-9180-5
Molinari, G., Chanel, G., Lund, K., Weinberger, A., Lalanne, D., & Ringeval, F. (2013, January). Workshop on Tools and Technologies for Emotion Awareness in Computer-Mediated Collaboration and Learning. Workshop at the Alpine Rendez-Vous 2013, Villard-de-Lans, Vercors, France.
Noroozi, O., Weinberger, A., Biemans, H. J. A., Mulder, M., & Chizari, M. (2013). Facilitating argumentative knowledge construction through a transactive discussion script in CSCL. Computers & Education, 61, 59–76. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2012.08.013
Noroozi, O., Biemans, H. J. A., Weinberger, A., Mulder, M., & Chizari, M. (2013). Scripting for construction of a transactive memory system in multidisciplinary CSCL environments. Learning and Instruction, 25, 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2012.10.002
Papadopoulos, P. M., Demetriadis, S. N., & Weinberger, A. (2013). ‘Make it explicit!’: Improving collaboration through increase of script coercion. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(4), 383–398. doi:10.1111/jcal.12014
Rick, J., & Schneider, M. (2013). PaWiki: A paper-based wiki system for the classroom. Workshop paper for French German Tangible Interaction Studio 2013, Bidart, France.
Rick, J. (2013). The media we hold and behold. Presentation at French German Tangible Interaction Studio 2013, Bidart, France.
Rick, J., Horn, M., & Martinez-Maldonado, R. (2013). Human-computer interaction and the learning sciences. In Proceedings of CSCL 2013 (Vol. 2, pp. 451–455). ISLS. [document]
Scheuer, O., McLaren, B., & Weinberger, A. (2013, August). Supporting discussions through argument diagrams and collaboration scripts. Presentation at EARLI 2013, Munich, Germany.
Scheuer, O., McLaren, B. M., & Weinberger, A. (2013, June). Automated and adaptive support for educational discussions: Results to guide in making this a reality. Poster presented at CSCL 2013, Madison, WI, USA. [PDF]
Stegmann, K., Fischer, F., & Weinberger, A. (2013, August). The model of argumentative knowledge construction: knowledge acquisition by argumentation. Presentation at EARLI 2013, Munich, Germany.
Tsovaltzi, D., Weinberger, A., Scheuer, O., Dragon, T., & McLaren, B. M. (2013). Collaborative learning in Facebook: Can argument structure facilitate academic opinion change? In Rummel, N., Kapur, M., Nathan, M., & Puntambekar, S. (Eds.) (2013), CSCL 2013 Proceedings Volume 2 (177-180). ISBN: ICLS 2013, International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., Puhl, T., & Weinberger, A. (2013). Argumentative knowledge construction in Facebook: Raising expectations and argument support. Presentation at EARLI 2013, Munich, Germany.
Wagner, K., Klein, M., Klopp, E., Puhl, T., & Stark, R. (2013). Effects of instruction-supported learning with worked-out examples in quantitative method training. Higher Education Studies,3(3). doi:10.5539/hes.v3n3p1
Weinberger, A., Marttunen, M., Laurinen, L., & Stegmann, K. (2013). Inducing socio-cognitive conflict in Finnish and German groups of online learners by CSCL script. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 8, 333-349. [document]
Weinberger, A. (2013, August). Scripting argumentative knowledge construction. Presentation at EARLI 2013, Munich, Germany.
Yuill, N., Rogers, Y., & Rick, J. (2013). Pass the iPad: Collaborative creating and sharing in family groups. In Proceedings of CHI 2013 (pp. 941–950). New York: ACM Press. [document]


Clayphan, A., Kay, J., & Weinberger, A. (2012, May). Enhancing brainstorming through scripting at a tabletop. Position paper for “Educational Interfaces, Software, and Technology 2012” workshop, CHI 2012, Austin, TX. [document]
de Jong, T., Weinberger, A., Girault, I., Kluge, A., Lazonder, A., Pedaste, M., … Zacharia, Z. (2012). Using scenarios to design complex technology-enhanced learning environments. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(5), 883–901. doi:10.1007/s11423-012-9258-1 [PDF]
Gehlen-Baum, V., & Weinberger, A. (2012). Notebook or Facebook? How students actually use mobile devices in large lectures. In Proceedings of EC-TEL 2012, LNCS 7563 (pp. 103–112). Berlin: Springer. [document]
Gehlen-Baum, V., Weinberger, A., Pohl, A., & Bry, F. (2012). Technology Use in Lectures to Enhance Students’ Attention. In Proceedings of EC-TEL 2012, LNCS 7563 (pp. 125–137). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-11200-8_10
Gehlen-Baum, V., Pohl, A., Weinberger, A., & Bry, F. (2012). Backstage – Designing a backchannel for large lectures. In Proceedings of EC-TEL 2012, LNCS 7563 (pp. 459–464). Berlin: Springer. [document]
Horn, M., Shen, C., Mercier, E., McNaughton, J., Higgins, S., E. Burd, E., … Rick, J. (2012). Interactive surfaces and spaces: A learning sciences agenda. In Proceedings of ICLS 2012 (Vol. 2, pp. 78–85). ISLS. [document]
Nistor, N., & Weinberger, A. (2012). Akzeptanz von Bildungstechnologien: Theoretische Modelle und empirische Befunde. Zeitschrift für Empirische Pädagogik, 26(3), 339–342.
Noroozi, O., Teasley, S.D., Biemans, H. J. A., Weinberger, A., & Mulder, M. (2012). Facilitating learning in multidisciplinary groups with transactive CSCL scripts. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 8(2), 189–223. [document]
Noroozi, O., Biemans, H.J.A., Weinberger, A., Mulder, M., & Chizari, M. (2012, April). Facilitating transactive memory system (TMS) through computer-supported collaboration script in multidisciplinary learning. Presentation at AERA 2012, Vancouver, Canada.
Noroozi, O., Weinberger, A., Biemans, H. J. A., Teasley, S. D., & Mulder, M. (2012). Fostering multidisciplinary learning through computer-supported collaboration script: The role of a transactive memory script. In Proceedings of EC-TEL 2012, LNCS 7563 (pp. 413–418). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33263-0_36
Noroozi, O., Weinberger, A., Biemans, H. J. A., Mulder, M., & Chizari, M. (2012). Argumentation-based computer supported collaborative learning (ABCSCL): A synthesis of 15 years of research. Educational Research Review, 7(2), 79–106. [PDF] doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2011.11.006
Pohl, A., Gehlen-Baum, V., & Bry, F. (2012). Enhancing the digital backchannel Backstage on the basis of a formative user study. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 7, 33–41. [document] [PDF]
Rick, J. (2012). Proportion: A tablet app for collaborative learning. In Proceedings of IDC 2012(pp. 316–319). New York: ACM Press. [document]
Rick, J., DeVane, B., Clegg, T., Peters, V. L., Songer, N., Goldman, S. R., & Hmelo-Silver, C. E. (2012). Learning as identity formation: Implications for design, research, and practice. In Proceedings of ICLS 2012 (Vol. 2, pp. 126–133). ISLS.
Rick, J., Bejan, A., Roche, C., & Weinberger, A. (2012). Proportion: Learning proportional reasoning together. In Proceedings of EC-TEL 2012, LNCS 7563 (pp. 513–518). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33263-0_52
Rick, J. (2012). Tiny tabletops: A research agenda. Position paper for “Digital Ecosystems for Collaborative Learning” workshop, ICLS 2012, Sydney, Australia. [document] [PDF]
Scheuer, O., McLaren B. M., Weinberger, A., & Niebuhr, S. (2012). Scripting discussions for elaborative, critical interactions. In Proceedings of ITS 2012, LNCS 7315 (pp. 647–648). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30950-2_103
Smith, S., Burd, E., & Rick, J. (2012). Developing, evaluating and deploying multi-touch systems. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70(10), 653–656. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2012.07.002
Stegmann, K., Wecker, C., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2012). Collaborative argumentation and cognitive elaboration in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. Instructional Science, 40(2), 297–323. doi:10.1007/s11251-011-9174-5
Tsovaltzi, D., Weinberger, A., Scheuer, O., Dragon, T., & McLaren, B. M. (2012). Argument diagrams in Facebook: Facilitating the formation of scientifically sound opinions. In Proceedings EC-TEL 2012, LNCS 7563 (pp. 540–540). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33263-0_57
Tsovaltzi, D., Melis, E., McLaren, B. M., & Meyer, A.-K. (2012). Erroneous examples: Effects on learning fractions in a web-based setting. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL), 4(3&4), 191–230. doi:10.1504/IJTEL.2012.051583
Weinberger, A. (2012, November). Offene Technologien für lebensbegleitendes Lernen. Vortrag auf dem Internationalen Kongress “Neue Formen der Lehre und des Lernens”, Saarbrücken, Deutschland.


Baumgart, D., Pohl, A., Gehlen-Baum, V., & Bry, F. (2011). Providing guidance on Backstage, a novel digital backchannel for large class teaching (Research report No. 14915). Munich, Germany: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik. [document]
Bodemer, D., Kapur, M., Molinari, G., Rummel, N., & Weinberger, A. (2011). MUPEMURE: Towards a model of computer-supported collaborative learning with multiple representations. In Proceedings of CSCL 2011 (Vol. 3, pp. 1065–1072). ISLS. [document]
Bry, F., Gehlen-Baum, V., & Pohl, A. (2011). Promoting awareness and participation in large class lectures: The digital backchannel Backstage. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2011 (pp. 27–34). [document]
Gehlen-Baum, V., Pohl, A., & Bry, F. (2011). Assessing Backstage—A backchannel for collaborative learning in large classes. In Proceedings of ICL 2011 (pp. 154–160). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICL.2011.6059566
Gijlers, H., van Dijk, A., & Weinberger, A. (2011). How can scripts and awareness tools orchestrate individual and collaborative drawing of elementary students for learning science? Presentation at CSCL 2011, Hong Kong. [document]
Kobbe, L., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2011). Kooperationsskripts – Drehbücher für das computerunterstützte kooperative Lernen. In P. Klimsa & L. J. Issing (Eds.), Online-Lernen. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis (pp. 159-166). München: Oldenbourg.
McCrindle, C., Hornecker, E., Lingnau, A., & Rick, J. (2011). The design of t-vote: A tangible tabletop application supporting children’s decision making. In Proceedings of IDC 2011 (pp. 181–184). ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1999030.1999056
Molinari, G., Bodemer, D., Kapur, M., Rummel, N., & Weinberger, A. (2011). Design and technologies for supporting collaborative learning with multiple representations. In Proceedings of CSCL 2011 (Vol. 3, pp. 1170-1174). ISLS. [PDF]
Nistor, N., & Weinberger, A. (2011). Cross-cultural aspects of learning technology acceptance. Presentation at EARLI 2011, Exeter, UK. [document]
Nistor, N., Lerche, T., Ceobanu, C., & Weinberger, A. (2011). The influence of culture and infrastructure availability on learners’ technology acceptance. Presentation at EARLI 2011, Exeter, UK.
Nistor, N., Lerche, T., Ceobanu, C., & Weinberger, A. (2011). Kultur und die Akzeptanz der Bildungstechnologien: Eine europäische Vergleichsstudie. Presentation at PAEPS 2011, Erfurt, Germany. [document]
Nistor, N., Weinberger, A., Ceobanu, C., & Heymann, J. O. (2011). Educational technology and culture: The influence of ethnic and professional culture on learners’ technology acceptance. In Proceedings of EC-TEL 2011, LNCS 6964 (pp. 477–482). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23985-4_42
Pohl, A., Gehlen-Baum, V., & Bry, F. (2011). Introducing Backstage – a digital backchannel for large class lectures. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 8(4), 186–200. doi:10.1108/17415651111165410
Pozzi, F., Persico, D., Dimitriadis, Y., Joubert, M., Tissenbaum, M., Tsovaltzi, D., … Wise, A. (2011). Structuring online collaboration through 3TS: task, time and teams. Workshop at Alpine Rendez-Vous 2011, La Clusaz, France. [document] [PDF]
Rick, J. (2011). Collaborating across multiple linked representation. Position paper for “Multiple Perspectives on Multiple Representations (MUPEMURE)” workshop, Alpine Rendez-Vous 2011, La Clusaz, France.
Rick, J., Marshall, P., & Yuill, N. (2011). Beyond one-size-fits-all: How interactive tabletops support collaborative learning. In Proceedings of IDC 2011 (pp. 109–117). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1999030.1999043
Scheuer, O., McLaren, B. M., Harrell, M., & Weinberger, A. (2011). Scripting collaboration: What affects does it have on student argumentation? In Proceedings of ICCE 2011 (pp. 181–188). Chiang Mai, Thailand: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30950-2_103
Scheuer, O., McLaren, B.M., Harrell, M., & Weinberger, A. (2011). Will structuring the collaboration of students improve their argumentation? In Proceedings of AIED 2011 (pp. 544–546). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21869-9_96
Stegmann, K., Mu, J., Gehlen-Baum, V., & Fischer, F. (2011). The myth of over-scripting: Can novices be supported too much? In Proceedings of CSCL 2011 (Vol. 1, pp. 406–413). ISLS. [document]
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2011). Aktives Lernen durch Argumentieren: Evidenz für das Modell der argumentativen Wissenskonstruktion in Online-Diskussionen. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 39(3), 231–244. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D. (2011). The contribution of learning from errors to the (co-)construction of knowledge. Position paper for “Multiple Perspectives on Multiple Representations (MUPEMURE)” workshop, Alpine Rendez-Vous 2011, La Clusaz, France.
Weinberger, A. (2011). Principles of transactive computer-supported collaboration scripts. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 6(3), 189–202. [document] [online]
Weinberger, A. (2011). CSCL scripts for divergence-convergence transitions. Invited talk at Learning Sciences Lab, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Weinberger, A., Bodemer, D., Kapur, M., Molinari, G., Rummel, N., & Balacheff, N. (2011). MUPEMURE — Multiple perspectives on multiple representations. Workshop at Alpine Rendez-Vous 2011, La Clusaz, France.
Weinberger, A., Tsovaltzi, D., & Rick, J. (2011). Wie lernt man in der Universität des Jahres 2021? Magazin Forschung, Universität des Saarlandes, 2(11), 4–14. [document] [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Gijlers, H., Van Dijk, A., & Bollen, L. (2011) Kooperatives Zeichnen in der Grundschule: Die Rolle von Kooperationsskripts. Presentation at PAEPS 2011, Erfurt, Germany.
Yuill, N., Rogers, Y., & Rick, J. (2011). Pass the iPad: Comparing collaboration on paper and screen. Position paper for “Next Generation of HCI and Education” workshop, CHI 2011, Vancouver. doi:10.1145/2470654.2466120


Clark, D., Sampson, V., Stegmann, K., Marttunen, M., Kollar, I., Janssen, J., … Laurinen, L. (2010). Online learning environments, scientific argumentation, and 21st century skills. B. Ertl (Eds.), E-collaborative knowledge construction: Learning from computer-supported and virtual environments (pp. 1–39). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI. [document]
de Jong, T., van Joolingen, W. R., Giemza, A., Girault, I., Hoppe, U., Kindermann, J., … van Der Zanden, M. (2010). Learning by creating and exchanging objects: The SCY experience. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(6), 909–921. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2010.01121.x
Evans, M. A., & Rick, J. (2010). Collaborative learning with interactive surfaces: An interdisciplinary agenda. In Proceedings of ICLS 2010 (Vol. 2, pp. 505–506). ISLS. doi:10.5555/1854509.1854772
Nistor, N., Weinberger, A., & Lerche, T. (2010). Akzeptanz von Bildungstechnologien: Theoretische Modelle und empirische Befunde. Symposium presentation at AEPF 2010, Jena, Germany. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54373-3_46-1
Rick, J. (2010). Quadratic: Manipulating algebraic expressions on an interactive tabletop. In Proceedings of the IDC 2010 (pp. 304–307). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1810543.1810598
Rick, J., & Marshall, P. (2010). Towards a constructivist pedagogy in the ubicomp classroom. Position paper for “Next Generation of HCI and Education” workshop, CHI 2010, Atlanta, GA.
Rick, J. (2010). Six applications for interactive tabletops. Position paper for “Collaborative Learning with Interactive Surfaces: An Interdisciplinary Agenda” workshop, ICLS 2010, Chicago, IL. [PDF]
Rick, J., Francois, P., Fields, B., Fleck, R., Yuill, N., & Carr, A. (2010). Lo-fi prototyping to design interactive-tabletop applications for children. In Proceedings of the IDC 2010 (pp. 138–146). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1810543.1810559
Rick, J. (2010). Performance optimizations of virtual keyboards for stroke-based text entry on a touch-based tabletop. In Proceedings of the UIST 2010 (pp. 77–86). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1866029.1866043
Sander, A., Melis, E., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2010). How to support meta-cognitive skills for finding and correcting errors? In Proceedings of AAAI Fall Symposium Series. AAAI. [document]
Strijbos, J.-W., & Weinberger, A. (2010). Emerging and scripted roles in computer-supported collaborative learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 491–494. [PDF] doi:10.1016/j.chb.2009.08.006
Tsovaltzi, D. (2010). Menon: Automating a socratic teaching model for mathematical proofs. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., Rummel, N., McLaren, B. M., Pinkwart, N., Scheuer, O., Harrer, A., & Braun, I. (2010). Extending a virtual chemistry laboratory with a collaboration script to promote conceptual learning. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2(1&2), 91–110. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., McLaren, B. M., Melis, E., Meyer, A.-K., Dietrich, M., & Goguadze, G. (2010). Learning from erroneous examples. In Proceedings of ITS 2010 (pp. 420–422). Berlin: Springer. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., McLaren, B. M., Melis, E., Meyer, A.-K., Dietrich, M., & Goguadze, G. (2010). Learning from erroneous examples: When and how do students benefit from them? In Proceedings of EC-TEL 2010, LNCS 6383 (pp. 357–373). Berlin: Springer. [document]
Weinberger, A., & Nistor, N. (2010). Culture, profession, and attitudes towards educational technology: A large-scale, german-romanian study. In Proceedings of ICIC 2010 (pp. 199-202). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1841853.1841886
Weinberger, A., & Nistor, N. (2010). Culture, profession and attitudes towards educational technology: A large-scale German-Romanian study. Presentation at EAPRIL 2011, Lisboa, Portugal. doi:10.1145/1841853.1841886
Weinberger, A., & Nistor, N. (2010). Kultur und die Akzeptanz von Bildungstechnologien. Presentation at the 74. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Jena, Germany. [document]
Weinberger, A., & Gijlers, H. (2010). Scripting collaborative drawing in elementary education. Presentation at EARLI SIG 2, Tübingen, Germany.
Weinberger, A. (2010). MUPEMURE: Multiple perspectives on multiple representations. Workshop at EARLI SIG 2, Tübingen, Germany.
Weinberger, A. (2010). Scripting knowledge convergence. Presentation at E-Learning Lab, Jiang Tao University, Shanghai, China.
Weinberger, A. (2010). Scripts for knowledge convergence. Presentation at EAPRIL 2011, Lisboa, Portugal. [document]
Weinberger, A. (2010). Transactive collaboration scripts for technology-enhanced learning. Presentation at InterMedia Research Seminar: Designing Bridges. Structures for Learning Across Sites, Oslo, Norway.
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2010). Learning to argue online: Scripted groups surpass individuals (unscripted groups do not). Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 506–515. [PDF] doi:10.1016/j.chb.2009.08.007


de Jong, A. J. M., van Joolingen, W. R., Weinberger, A., & the SCY team (2009). Learning by design. An example from the SCY-project. Presentation at the “Issues in Scaffolding Collaborative Inquiry Science Learning” symposium, CSCL 2009, Rhodes, Greece.
de Jong, T., van Joolingen, W. R., Giemza, A., Girault, I., Hoppe, U., Kindermann, J., … van Der Zanden, M. (2010). Learning by creating and exchanging objects: The SCY experience. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(6), 909–921. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2010.01121.x
Fleck, R., Rogers, Y., Yuill, N., Marshall, P., Carr, A., Rick, J., & Bonnett, V. (2009). Actions speak loudly with words: Unpacking collaboration around the table. In Proceedings of ITS 2009 (pp. 189–196). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1731903.1731939
Harris, A., Rick, J., Bonnett, V., Yuill, N., Fleck, R., Marshall, P., & Rogers, Y. (2009). Around the table: Are multiple-touch surfaces better than single-touch for children’s collaborative interactions? In Proceedings of the CSCL ’09 (pp. 335–344). ISLS. [document]
Harris, A., Yuill, N., Marshall, P., Fleck, R., Rick, J., & Rogers, Y. (2009). Using novel technology to support children’s collaborative interaction during a planning task. Presentation at The Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting 2009, Denver, CO.
Marshall, P., Fleck, R., Harris, A., Rick, J., Hornecker, E., Rogers, Y., … Dalton, N. S. (2009). Fighting for control: Children’s embodied interactions when using physical and digital representations. In Proceedings of the CHI 2009 (pp. 2149–2152). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1518701.1519027
Rick, J., Rogers, Y., Haig, C., & Yuill, N. (2009). Learning by doing with shareable interfaces. Children, Youth & Environments19(1), 321–342. [document]
Rick, J., Harris, A., Marshall, P., Fleck, R., Yuill, N., & Rogers, Y. (2009). Children designing together on a multi-touch tabletop: An analysis of spatial orientation and user interactions. In Proceedings of the IDC 2009, (pp. 106–114). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1551788.1551807
Rick, J. (2009). Towards a classroom ecology of devices: Interfaces for collaborative scripts. In Workshop Proceedings of CSCL 2009, “Scripted vs. free CS collaboration: Alternatives and paths for adaptable and flexible CS scripted collaboration” (pp. 8–12). ISLS. [document]
Stegmann, K., Zottmann, J., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2009). How do learners affect each other in online discussion? — A multi-level analysis. Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2009), Amsterdam.
Tsovaltzi, D., Melis, E., McLaren, B. M., Dietrich, M., Goguadze, G., & Meyer, A.-K. (2009). Erroneous examples: A preliminary investigation into learning benefits. In Proceedings of EC-TEL 2009, LNCS 5794. Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04636-0_69
Weinberger, A., Laurinen, L., Marttunen, M., & Stegmann, K. (2009). Collaborative learning in and across different cultures. Symposium organised at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European
Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2009. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Weinberger, A., Kollar, I., Dimitriadis, Y., Mäkitalo-Siegl, K., & Fischer, F. (2009). Computer-supported collaboration scripts: Perspectives from educational psychology and computer science. N. Balacheff, S. R. Ludvigsen, T. de Jong, S. Barnes & A. W. Lazonder (Eds.), Technology-enhanced learning: Principles and products (pp. 155–173). Berlin: Springer. [document]
Weinberger, A. (2009). Analysis of learners’ interactions in CSCL environments. Invited talk at University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
Weinberger, A. (2009). Interkulturelles Lernen aus Skriptperspektive. In E. Zwick (Eds.), Pädagogik als Dialog der Kulturen. Grundlagen und Diskursfelder der interkulturellen Pädagogik (pp. 141–161). Berlin: Lit Verlag. [document]
Weinberger, A., Laurinen, L., Stegmann, K., & Marttunen, M. (2009). Inducing socio-cognitive conflict into Finnish and German groups of online learners. Presentation at EARLI 2009, Amsterdam. ISSN: ISSN-1556-1607 [document]
Yuill, N., Harris, A., Bonnett, V., Rick, J., Fleck, R., Marshall, P., & Rogers, Y. (2009). The ‘I did it!’ bias in multi-touch tabletops: When equity is not enough. Position paper for “Tabletops for Education and Training” workshop, Alpine Rendez-Vous 2009, Garmisch-Patenkirchen, Germany.


Asterhan, C., Schwarz, B., Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., Fischer, F., Wichmann, A., ... Hoppe, U. (2008). Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior. In Proceedings of ICLS 2008 (Vol. 3, pp. 182–189). ISLS. [document]
Clark, D. B:, Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., Menekse, M., & Erkens, G. (2008). Technology-enhanced learning environments to support students' argumentation. In S. Erduran, M. P.Jiménez-Aleixandre (Eds.), Argumentation in science education (pp. 217–243). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. [document]
Fischer, F., Stegmann, K., & Weinberger, A. (2008). Online-Diskussionen in der universitären Lehre. Wie können Kommunikationsmedien zur Förderung argumentativer Kompetenzen eingesetzt werden? Presentation at Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft DGf(E), Dresden, Germany.
Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Stegmann, K. (2008). Internal and external scripts — Studies on the interplay of discourse, cognition, and instruction in computer-supported collaborative learning. Keynote presentation at ICLS 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands. [more] 
McLaren, B. M., Rummel, N., Pinkwart, N., Tsovaltzi, D., Harrer, A., & Scheuer, O. (2008). Learning Chemistry through Collaboration: A Wizard-of-Oz Study of Adaptive Collaboration Support. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Support for Exploratory Environments (ISEE 08). Workshop at EC-TEL-08, Maastricht, the Netherlands, September 17, 2008. [PDF]
Rick, J., & Rogers, Y. (2008). From DigiQuilt to DigiTile: Adapting educational technology to a multi-touch table. In Proceedings of TABLETOP 2008 (pp. 79–86). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE. [document]
Rick, J., Dalton, S., Hornecker, E., Marshall, P., Pantidi, N., Morris, R., ... Yuill, N. (2008). Tabletop computing as educational technology. Position paper for Shareable Interfaces for Learning workshop, Brighton, UK. 
Rosé, C. P., Wang, Y.-C., Cui, Y., Arguello, J., Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2008). Analyzing collaborative learning processes automatically: Exploiting the advances of computational linguistics in computer-supported collaborative learning. International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Instruction, 3(3), 237–271. [document] [PDF]
Rummel, N., Hmelo-Silver, C., Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., Fischer, F., Diziol, D., ... Law, N. (2008). Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL. In Proceedings of ICLS 2008 (Vol. 3, pp. 346–353). ISLS. [document]
Teasley, S., Fischer, F., Dillenbourg, P., Kapur, M., Chi, M., Weinberger, A., & Stegmann, K. (2008). Cognitive convergence in collaborative learning. In Proceedings of ICLS 2008 (Vol. 3, pp. 360–367). ISLS. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., Rummel, N., McLaren, B. M., Pinkwart, N., Scheuer, O., Harrer, A., & Braun, I. (2008). CoChemEx: Supporting conceptual chemistry learning via computer-mediated collaboration scripts. In Proceedings of ECTEL 2008, LNCS 5192 (pp. 437–448). Berlin: Springer. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., McLaren, B. M., Rummel, N., Scheuer, O., Harrer, A., Pinkwart, N., & Braun, I. (2008). Using an adaptive collaboration script to promote conceptual chemistry learning. In Proceedings of ITS-08, LNCS 5091 (pp. 709–711). Montreal: Springer. [document]
Weinberger, A. (2008). CSCL scripts: Effects of social and epistemic scripts on computer-supported collaborative learning. Berlin: VDM. [document]


Clark, D. B., Sampson, V., Weinberger, A., & Erkens, G. (2007). Analytic frameworks for assessing dialogic argumentation in online learning environments. Educational Psychology Review, 19(3), 343–374. [document] [PDF]
Clark, D. B., Sampson, V., Weinberger, A., & Erkens, G. (2007). Evaluating the quality of dialogical argumentation in CSCL: Moving beyond an analysis of formal structure. In Proceedings of CSCL 2007 (pp. 13–22). ISLS. [document] [PDF]
Dillenbourg, P., Häkkinen, P., Hämäläinen, R., Kobbe, L., Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Harrer, A. (2007). Structurer l'apprentissage collaboratif au moyen d'environnements informatiques. Revue Education et Formation, 286, 45–50. [document]
Häkkinen, P., Weinberger, A., & Valcke, M. (2007). Scripting computer-supported collaborative learning: Theoretical and methodological challenges. Presentation at EARLI 2007, University of Szeged, Budapest, Hungary.
Kobbe, L., Weinberger, A., Dillenbourg, P., Harrer, A., Hämäläinen, R., & Fischer, F. (2007). Specifying computer-supported collaboration scripts. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2(2–3), 211–224. [document] [PDF]
McLaren, B. M., Rummel, N., Tsovaltzi, D., Braun, I., Scheuer, O., Harrer, A., & Pinkwart, N. (2007). The CoChemEx project: Conceptual chemistry learning through experimentation and adaptive collaboration. In Proceedings of the Workshop on "Emerging Technologies for Inquiry Based Learning in Science", AIED-07 (pp. 36–48). [Document]
Rick, J. (2007). AniAniWeb: A wiki approach to personal home pages. In Proceedings of the WikiSym 2007 (pp. 99–118). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/1296951.1296963
Rick, J. (2007). Personal home pages in academia: The medium, its adopters, and their practices. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. [document]
Rummel, N., & Weinberger, A. (2007). Analyse von Prozessen computergestützten kooperativen Lernens. Informationsquelle über die Wirkweise instruktionaler Maßnahmen und Ausgangspunkt für adaptive Unterstützung. Presentation at the 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Berlin. [document]
Stark, R., Puhl, T., & Krause, U. M. (2007). Enhancing educational argumentation. Effects of a problem-oriented learning environment. Presentation at EARLI 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2007). Online discussions in higher education: Effects of computer-supported collaboration scripts on argumentation, self-explanation and knowledge acquisition. Presentation at EARLI 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., Rosé, C. P., & Fischer, F. (2007). Automatische Analyse kooperativer Lernprozesse auf der Basis natürlich-sprachlicher Daten aus Onlinediskussionen. Presentation at the 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie, Berlin.
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2007). Facilitating argumentative knowledge construction with computer-supported collaboration scripts. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2(4), 421–447. [document] [PDF]
Stegmann, K., Wecker, C., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2007). Collaborative argumentation and cognitive processing — An empirical study in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. In Proceedings of CSCL 2007 (pp. 661–670). ISLS. [document]
Stegmann, K., Wecker, C., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2007). Do we learn through collaborative argumentation? A study on argumentation, cognitive processes and knowledge acquisition in computer-supported collaborative learning. Presentation at EARLI 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
Strijbos, J.-W., & Weinberger, A. (2007). Facilitating and analysing roles in computer-supported collaborative learning. Presentation at EARLI 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
Wang, Y. C., Joshi, M., Rosé, C. P., Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Stegmann, K. (2007). Context based classification for automatic collaborative learning process analysis. In Proceedings of AIED 2007 (pp. 662–664). Amsterdam: IOS Press. [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2007). Scripting argumentative knowledge construction: Effects on individual and collaborative learning. Presentation at CSCL 2007, New Brunswick, NJ.
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2007). Knowledge convergence in collaborative learning: Concepts and assessment. Learning and Instruction, 17(4), 416–426. [document]
Weinberger, A., Ronen, M., Tchounikine, P., Harrer, A., Dillenbourg, P., Haake, J., ... Kohen-Vacs, D. (2007). Languages and platforms for CSCL Scripts. In Proceedings of CSCL 2007 (Vol. 2, pp. 831–832). ISLS.
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2007). Role scripts for improving group learning beyond individual learning: Does it work? Presentation at EARLI 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2007). Inwieweit beeinflussen sich Lernpartner gegenseitig beim computerunterstützten kooperativen Lernen im Hinblick auf ihre Motivation? Presentation at the 11. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Berlin.
Weinberger, A. (2007). Analytic frameworks that focus on patterns and trajectories of participant interaction during argumentation in CSCL environments. Presentation at CSCL 2007, New Brunswick, NJ. [PDF] doi:10.1007/s10648-007-9050-7
Weinberger, A. (2007). Analytic frameworks that focus on patterns and trajectories of participant interaction during argumentation in CSCL environments. Workshop at the JURE conference. Presentation at EARLI 2007, Budapest, Hungary. [PDF] doi:10.1007/s10648-007-9050-7
Weinberger, A., Clark, D. B., Dillenbourg, P., Diziol, D., Sampson, V., Stegmann, K., & N., N. (2007). Orchestrating learning activities on the social and the cognitive level to foster CSCL. In Proceedings of CSCL 2007 (Vol. 1, pp. 36–45). ISLS. doi:10.5555/1599600.1599606
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2007). Scripting argumentative knowledge construction in computer-supported learning environments. In F. Fischer, H. Mandl, J. Haake & I. Kollar (Eds.), Scripting computer-supported communication of knowledge - cognitive, computational and educational perspectives (pp. 191–211). New York: Springer. [document]
Weinberger, A., Kollar, I., Dimitriadis, Y., Mäkitalo, K., & Fischer, F. (2007). Computer-supported collaboration scripts. Theory and practice of scripting CSCL - Perspectives of educational psychology and computer science. Presentation at the KAL Legacy workshop, Santiago di Compostela, Spain. [document]
Weinberger, A., Clark, D. B., Häkkinen, P., Tamura, Y., & Fischer, F. (2007). Argumentative knowledge construction in online learning environments in and across different cultures: A collaboration script perspective. Research in Comparative and International Education, 2(1), 68–79. [document]


Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Stegmann, K. (2006). Computer-supported scripts for argumentative knowledge construction in online discussions. Presentation at AERA 2006, San Francisco, CA.
Puhl, T., & Stark, R. (2006). WALe – eine problemorientierte, computerbasierte Lernumgebung zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Interpretations- und Argumentations-kompetenzen in pädagogisch-psychologischen Kontexten. Presentation at AEPF 2006, Munich.
Rick, J., & Guzdial, M. (2006). Situating CoWeb: A scholarship of application. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 1(1), 89–115. doi:10.1007/s11412-006-6842-6
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2006). Förderung der argumentativen Wissenskonstruktion mit computerbasierten Kooperationsskripts. Presentation at the 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Nuremberg, Germany.
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Rosé, C. P. (2006). Automatische Analyse natürlich-sprachlicher Daten aus Onlinediskussionen. Presentation at AEPF 2006, Munich.
Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2006). A framework to analyze argumentative knowledge construction in computer-supported collaborative learning. Computers & Education, 46, 71–95. [document] [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Clark, D., Erkens, G., Sampson, V., Stegmann, K., Janssen, ... Fischer, F. (2006). Argumentative knowledge construction in CSCL. In Proceedings of ICLS 2006 (pp. 1094–1100). ISLS. [more]
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2006). Scripting online discussions: Effects on argumentative discourse, cognitive processes, and knowledge acquisition. Presentation at ICLS 2006, Bloomington, IN.
Zagal, J. P., Rick, J., & Hsi, I. (2006). Collaborative games: Lessons learned from boardgames. Simulation & Gaming, 37, 24–40. doi:10.1177/1046878105282279


Dönmez, P., Rosé, C. P., Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2005). Supporting CSCL with automatic corpus analysis technology. In Proceedings of CSCL 2005 (pp. 125–134). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. [PDF] doi:10.3115/1149293.1149310
Fiedler, A., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2005). Domain-knowledge manipulation for dialogue-adaptive hinting. In Proceedings of AIED 2005 (pp. 801–803). Amsterdam: IOS Press. [document]
Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Stegmann, K. (2005). Collaboration scripts for productive online discussions. Presentation at Center of Lifelong Learning and Design, University of Colorado at Boulder, CO.
Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Stegmann, K. (2005). Discourse and cognition in online peer discussions. Presentation at the First International Kaleidoscope Symposium on Technology Enhanced Learning, Oberhausen, Germany.
Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Stegmann, K. (2005). Learning in online discussions Scripting collaborative processes to facilitate individual knowledge acquisition. Invited talk at the "Talk and Dialogue. A festschrift for Lauren Resnick" workshop, Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Stegmann, K. (2005). Collaborative knowledge construction in online discussions: Effects of computer-supported collaboration scripts. Presentation at Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Kobbe, L., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2005). Towards a specification of computer-supported script components. Presentation at Kick-off meeting of the European Research Team CoSSICLE (Computer-Supported Scripting of Interaction in Collaborative Learning Environments), Zürich, Switzerland.
Kobbe, L., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2005). Website and shared workspace of the ERT. Presentation at the Kick-off meeting of the European Research Team CoSSICLE (Computer-Supported Scripting of Interaction in Collaborative Learning Environments), Zürich, Switzerland.
Mäkitalo, K., Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Häkkinen, P. (2005). Epistemic collaboration scripts in online learning environments: Fostering learning by reducing uncertainty in discourse? Presentation at Interlearn 2005 — Multidisciplinary Approaches to Learning, Helsinki, Finland. [document]
Mäkitalo, K., Weinberger, A., Häkkinen, P., Järvelä, S., & Fischer, F. (2005). Epistemic cooperation scripts in online learning environments: Fostering learning by reducing uncertainty in discourse? Computers in Human Behavior, 21(4), 603–622. [PDF] doi:10.1016/j.chb.2004.10.033
Mäkitalo, K., Weinberger, A., Häkkinen, P., & Fischer, F. (2005). Online collaborative learning: Will collaboration scripts reduce uncertainty? Educational Technology, 45(5), 25–29.
Rick, J., & Lamberty, K. K. (2005). Medium-based design: Extending a medium to create an exploratory learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 13(3), 179–212. [document]
Stark, R., Krause, U.-M., & Puhl, T. (2005). Förderung von Kompetenzen zum wissenschaftlichen Argumentieren. Presentation at the 10. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie), Halle, Germany.
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2005). Online discussions in higher education: Effects of computer-supported collaboration scripts on argumentation, self-explanation and knowledge acquisition. Presentation at EARLI 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2005). Effekte eines Argumentaufbauskripts auf Qualität der Argumente, individuelle Kognitionen und Wissenserwerb in Onlinediskussionen. Presentation at the 10. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS), Halle, Germany.
Tsovaltzi, D., & Fiedler, A. (2005). Human-adaptive determination of natural language hints. Position paper to "Computational Models of Natural Argument" workshop, IJCAI 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Weinberger, A., Kobbe, L., & Fischer, F. (2005). Computer-supported scripting of interaction in collaborative learning environments. Presentation at the 3rd milestone meeting of the European Research Team CoSSICLE (Computer-Supported Scripting of Interaction in Collaborative Learning Environments), Oberhausen, Germany.
Weinberger, A., Kobbe, L., & Fischer, F. (2005). Computer-supported scripting of interaction in collaborative learning environments. Presentation at the 2nd milestone meeting of the European Research Team CoSSICLE (Computer-Supported Scipting of Interaction in Collaborative Learning Environments), Taiwan, Taipeh.
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2005). Computer-supported collaborative learning in higher education: Scripts for argumentative knowledge construction in distributed groups. In Proceedings of CSCL 2005 (pp. 717–726). ISLS. [document]
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2005). Measuring knowledge convergence: Achievement similarity and shared knowledge in computer-supported collaborative learning. Presentation at EARLI 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus. [document]
Weinberger, A. (2005). Introducing the European research team CoSSICLE — Computer-supported scripting of interaction in collaborative learning environments. Presentation at theFirst International Kaleidoscope Symposium on Technology Enhanced Learning, Oberhausen, Germany. [document]
Weinberger, A. (2005). Introducing the European research team CoSSICLE. Computer-supported scripting of interaction in collaborative learning environments. Presentation at the First Kaleidoscope Review, Montpellier, France. [document]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., Dillenbourg, P., Häkkinen, P., & Harrer, A. (2005). Computer-supported scripting of interaction in collaborative learning environments. In Events of CSCL 2005 (pp. 21–22). ISLS.
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., & Fischer, F. (2005). Förderung des Lernens in Online-Diskussionen an der Hochschule durch epistemische und soziale Kooperationsskripts. Presentation at AEPF 2005, Salzburg, Austria.
Weinberger, A., Ertl, B., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2005). Epistemic and social scripts in computer-supported collaborative learning. Instructional Science, 33(1), 1–30. [document] [PDF]


Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Mandl, H. (2004). It is more than just a nut to crack. A multidimensional approach to analyzing collaborative knowledge construction in computer-supported learning environments. Presentation at ICLS 2004, Santa Monica, CA.
Mäkitalo, K., Weinberger, A., Häkkinen, P., & Fischer, F. (2004). Uncertainty-reducing cooperation scripts in online learning environments. In P. Gerjets, P. A. Kirschner, J. Elen & R. Joiner (Eds.), Instructional design for effective and enjoyable computer-supported learning. Proceedings of the first joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs Instructional Design and Learning and Instruction with Computers (pp. 312–319). Tübingen: Knowledge Media Research Center. [document] [PDF]
Mäkitalo, K., Weinberger, A., Häkkinen, P., Järvelä, S., & Fischer, F. (2004). Epistemic cooperation scripts in online learning environments: Fostering learning by reducing uncertainty? Presentation at the First Symposium of the CSCL SIG, Lausanne, Switzerland. [document] [PDF]
Mäkitalo, K., Weinberger, A., Häkkinen, P., & Fischer, F. (2004). Uncertainty-reducing cooperation scripts in online learning environments. Presentation at EARLI 2004, Tübingen, Germany. [document] [PDF]
Rick, J., & Guzdial, M. (2004). Improving personal home pages to support learning as becoming and belonging. In Proceedings of the ICLS 2004 (pp. 631). ISLS. [document]
Rick, J., & Lamberty, K. K. (2004). Medium-based design: Supporting bricoleur designers. In Proceedings of the ICLS 2004 (pp. 630). ISLS. [document]
Rummel, N., Spada, H., Ching, C. C., Wang, C., Suthers, D., Bromme, ... Mandl, H. (2004). Cracking the nut — But which nutcracker to use? Diversity in approaches to analyzing 23 collaborative processes in technology-supported settings. In Proceedings of ICLS 2004 (pp. 23–26). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2004). Can computer-supported collaboration scripts facilitate argumentative knowledge construction? Presentation at AERA 2004, San Diego, CA. 
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2004). Förderung der argumentativen Wissenskonstruktion durch computerbasierte Kooperationsskripts. Presentation at AEPF 2004, Nuremberg, Germany.
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2004). Scripting argumentation in computer-supported learning environments. In P. Gerjets, P. A. Kirschner, J. Elen & R. Joiner (Eds.), Instructional design for effective and enjoyable computer-supported learning. Proceedings of the first joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs Instructional Design and Learning and Instruction with Computers (pp. 320–330). Tübingen, Germany: Knowledge Media Research Center. 
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2004). Scripting argumentative knowledge construction in computer-supported learning environments. Presentation at EARLI 2004, Tübingen, Germany. [document] 
Stegmann, K., Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2004). Einfluss von Argumentationsskripts auf den individuellen Wissenserwerb und die Wissenskonvergenz beim kooperativen Lernen in Computernetzen. Presentation at the 44. Kongress der DGPs, Göttingen, Germany. 
Tsovaltzi, D., Fiedler, A., & Horacek, H. (2004). A multi-dimensional taxonomy for automating hinting. In Proceedings of ITS 2004, LNCS 3220 (pp. 772–781). Berlin: Springer. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., & Karagjosova, E. (2004). A view on dialogues move taxonomies for tutorial dialogues. Position paper for the 5th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Boston, USA. [PDF]
Tsovaltzi, D., Horacek, H., & Fiedler, A. (2004). Building hint specifications in a NL tutorial system for mathematics. In Proceedings of FLAIRS 2004. AAAI. [document]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2004). Knowledge convergence in computer-mediated learning environments: Effects of collaboration scripts. Presentation at AERA 2004, San Diego, CA. [document]
Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2004). Motivation. In J. Haake & G. Schwabe & M. Wessner (Eds.), CSCL-Kompendium. Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen Lernen (pp. 252–257). München: Oldenbourg. [more]
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2004). Können computerunterstützte Kooperationsskripts argumentative Wissenskonstruktion fördern? Presentation at the 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Göttingen, Germany.
Weinberger, A., Ertl, B., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2004). Cooperation scripts for learning via web-based discussion boards and videoconferencing. In P. Gerjets, P. A. Kirschner, J. Elen & R. Joiner (Eds.), Instructional design for effective and enjoyable computer-supported learning. Proceedings of the first joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs "Instructional Design" and "Learning and Instruction with computers" (pp. 22–28). Tübingen, Germany: Knowledge Media Research Center. [document] [PDF]
Wolska, M., Vo, B. Q., Tsovaltzi, D., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Karagjosova, E., Horacek, H., Gabsdil, M., Fiedler, A., & Benzmüller, C. (2004). An annotated corpus of tutorial dialogs on mathematical theorem proving. In Proceedings of LREC 2004 (pp. 1007–1010). ELRA.


Benzmüller, C., Fiedler, A., Gabsdil, M., Horacek, H., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Pinkal, M., Vo, B.-Q., & Wolska, M. (2003). Tutorial dialogs on mathematical proofs. In Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning for E-Learning Systems(pp. 12–22). Acapulco, Mexico.
Benzmüller, C., Fiedler, A., Gabsdil, M., Horacek, H., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Tsovaltzi, D., Vo, B.-Q., & Wolska, M. (2003). Discourse phenomena in tutorial dialogs on mathematical proofs. In Proceedings of DiaBruck 2003 (pp. 165–166). Saarbrücken, Germany. 
Benzmüller, C., Fiedler, A., Gabsdil, M., Horacek, H., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Tsovaltzi, D., Vo, B.-Q., & Wolska, M. (2003). Towards a principled approach to tutoring mathematical proofs. Position paper for "Expressive Media and Intelligent Tools for Learning" workshop, KI 2003, Hamburg, Germany.
Benzmüller, C., Fiedler, A., Gabsdil, M., Horacek, H., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Pinkal, M., Siekmann, J., Tsovaltzi, D., Vo, B.-Q., & Wolska, M. (2003). A Wizard-of-Oz experiment for tutorial dialogues in mathematics. In Proceedings of AIED 2003 (pp. 471–481). Sydney, Australia: School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney.
Clark, D., Weinberger, A., Jucks, I., Spitulnik, M., & Wallace, R. (2003). Designing effective science inquiry in text-based computer supported collaborative learning environments. International Journal of Educational Policy, Research & Practice, 4(1), 55–82. [PDF]
Fiedler, A., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2003). Automating hinting in mathematical tutorial dialogue. In Proceedings of the EACL-03 Workshop on Dialogue Systems: Interaction, Adaptation and Styles of Management (pp. 45–52). Budapest, Hungary. [document]
Fiedler, A., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2003). Automating hinting in an intelligent tutorial system. In Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning for E-Learning Systems (pp. 23–35). Acapulco, Mexico. [document]
Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Mandl, H. (2003). Collaborative knowledge construction: Effects of scripted cooperation in the domain of education. Presentation at EARLI 2003, Padova, Italy.
Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Mandl, H. (2003). Kooperationsskripts für die gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion in Web-basierten Lernumgebungen: Epistemische Aktivität, Transaktivität und individueller Wissenserwerb. Presentation at the 9. Fachtagung Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Padova, Italy. 
Tsovaltzi, D., & Fiedler, A. (2003). An approach to facilitating reflection in a mathematics tutoring system. In Proceedings of the AIED Workshop on Learner Modelling for Reflection(pp. 278–287). Sydney, Australia. [document]
Tsovaltzi, D., & Fiedler, A. (2003). Enhancement and use of a mathematical ontology in a tutorial dialogue system. In Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems (pp. 19–28). Acapulco, Mexico. [document] [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Reiserer, M., Ertl, B., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2003). Facilitating collaborative knowledge construction in computer-mediated learning with structuring tools (Research report No. 158). Munich, Germany: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Institute for Empirical Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology. [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Stegmann, K., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2003). Kooperatives Lernen im Netz: Förderung der argumentativen Wissenskonstruktion mit Kooperationsskripts. Presentation at Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen, Tübingen, Germany.
Weinberger, A., & Mandl, H. (2003). Computer-mediated knowledge communication. Studies in Communication Sciences, 3(3), 81–105. [document]
Weinberger, A., & Mandl, H. (2003). Computer-mediated knowledge communication (Research report No. 155). Munich, Germany: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Institute for Empirical Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology. [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2003). Effects of content-related and interaction-related cooperation scripts in computer-supported collaborative learning environments. Presentation at EARLI 2003, Padova, Italy.
Weinberger, A. (2003). Scripts for computer-supported collaborative learning. Effects of social and epistemic cooperation scripts on collaborative knowledge construction. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany. [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2003). Gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion in computervermittelter Kommunikation: Wirkungen von Kooperationsskripts auf den Erwerb anwendungsorientierten Wissens (Forschungsbericht Nr. 153). München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Lehrstuhl für Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie. [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H (2003). Gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion in computervermittelter Kommunikation: Wirkungen von Kooperationsskripts auf den Erwerb anwendungsorientierten Wissens. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 211(2), 86–97. [PDF] doi:10.1026//0044-3409.211.2.86


Fischer, F., Weinberger, A., & Mandl, H. (2002). Effects of scripted cooperation and scaffolding in text-based online learning environments. Presentation at AERA 2002, New Orleans, LA.
Guzdial, M., & Rick, J. (2002). Installing and using collaborative websites. In Proceedings of the CSCL '02 (pp. 748–750). Boulder, CO, USA: ISLS. doi:10.5555/1658616.1658819
Larsson, S., Amores, G., Karagjosova, E., Milward, D., & Tsovaltzi, D. (2002). Flexible dialogue (Research report IST-1999-10516). Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Gothenburg. [PDF]
Rick, J. (2002). AudioExplorer: Multiple linked representations for convergence. In Proceedings of CSCL 2002 (pp. 535–536). ISLS. [document] [PDF]
Rick, J. (2002). Pianos, not orchestras. In Proceedings of the CSCL 2002 (pp. 635–636). ISLS. [document]
Rick, J., Guzdial, M., Carroll, K., Holloway-Attaway, L., & Walker, B. (2002). Collaborative learning at low cost: CoWeb use in English composition. In Proceedings of the CSCL 2002 (pp. 435–442). ISLS. [PDF]
Tsovaltzi, D., & Matheson, C. (2002). Formalising hinting in tutorial dialogues. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (EDILOG 2002) (pp. 185–192). Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. [document]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2002). Collaboration scripts to facilitate knowledge co-construction and knowledge convergence in computer-mediated learning environments. Presentation at the International Workshop of Barriers and biases in computer-mediated knowledge communication–and how they may be overcome, Münster, Germany.
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2002). Scripts and scaffolds in text-based online learning environments. Presentation at CSCL 2002, Boulder, CO.
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2002). Förderung des netzbasierten kooperativen Wissenserwerbs und der Wissenskonvergenz mit Kooperationsskripts. Presentation at the 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Berlin.
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2002). Gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion in computervermittelter Kommunikation: Welche Kooperationsskripts fördern Partizipation und anwendungsorientiertes Wissen? (Forschungsbericht Nr. 153). München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Lehrstuhl für Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie. [document] [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2002). Fostering computer supported collaborative learning with cooperation scripts and scaffolds. In Proceedings of CSCL 2002 (pp. 573–574). ISLS. [document] [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2002). Facilitating computer-supported collaborative learning: Structuring the content or the interaction. Presentation at AERA 2002, New Orleans, LA.
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2002). Kodierungssystem für eine Multi-Ebenen-Analyse der gemeinsamen Wissenskonstruktion. München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Institut für Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie. [more]


Guzdial, M., Rick, J., & Kehoe, C. (2001). Beyond adoption to invention: Teacher-created collaborative activities in higher education. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 10(3), 265–279. [document]
Reinmann-Rothmeier, G., Mandl, H., Nistor, N., Neubauer, A., Erlach, C., Weinberger, A., & Lerche, T. (2001). Evaluation virtueller Seminare in Schule und Hochschule. In Reinmann-Rothmeier, G., Mandl, H. (Eds.), Virtuelle Seminare in Hochschule und Weiterbildung. Drei Beispiele aus der Praxis (pp. 131–150). Göttingen, Germany: Huber.
Rick, J. (2001). AudioExplorer: Multiple linked representations for convergence. GVU Technical Report GIT-GVU-01-15. [document] [PDF]
Rick, J. (2001). Understanding children's programming as poor learning environments. Position paper for "Children's Programming Odyssey" special event, HCC 2001, Stresa, Italy.
Tsovaltzi, D., & Matheson, C. (2001). Formalising hinting In tutorial dialogues. (Unpublished M.S. thesis). The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. [document] [PDF]
Weinberger, A., & Lerche, T. (2001). Didaktik der neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. In T. Hug (Ed.), Wie kommt Wissenschaft zu ihrem Wissen?(Vol. 1, pp. 359–375). Baltmannsweiler Hohengehren, Germany: Schneider. [document]
Weinberger, A., Lerche, T., Mandl, H., & Gruber, H. (2001). Ein virtuelles Hochschulseminar zu empirischen Erhebungs- und Auswertungsverfahren. In G. Reinmann-Rothmeier, H. Mandl (Eds.), Virtuelle Seminare in Hochschule und Weiterbildung (pp. 107–130). Göttingen, Germany: Hans Huber.
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2001). Facilitating problem-oriented co-operation in text-based tele-learning environments. Presentation at EARLI 2001, Fribourg, Switzerland.
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2001). Scaffolding und Kooperationsskripts beim kooperativen Lernen in Computernetzen: Die Förderung von Partizipation und Wissenstransfer. Presentation at the Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie, Berlin.
Weinberger, A. (2001). Motivationsschub in virtuellen Lernumgebungen. look, 2, 5–7. [document]
Weinberger, A., & Mandl, H. (2001). Wandel des Lernens durch Neue Medien - das virtuelle Seminar Empirische Erhebungs- und Auswertungsverfahren. In H. F. Friedrich & F. Hesse (Eds.), Partizipation und Interaktion im virtuellen Seminar (pp. 243–268). Münster, Germany: Waxmann. [document]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2001). Scripts and scaffolds in problem-based computer supported collaborative learning environments: Fostering participation and transfer(Research report No. 144). Munich, Germany: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Institute for Empirical Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology. [PDF]
Weinberger, A., Fischer, F., & Mandl, H. (2001). Scripts and scaffolds in text-based CSCL: Fostering participation and transfer. Presentation at EARLI 2001, Fribourg, Switzerland.


Craig, D., Haq, S. U., Khan, S., Zimring, C., Kehoe, C., Rick, J., & Guzdial, M. (2000). Using an unstructured collaboration tool to support peer interaction in large college classes. In Proceedings of the ICLS 2000 (pp. 178–184). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Guzdial, M., Rick, J., & Kerimbaev, B. (2000). Recognizing and supporting roles in CSCW. In Proceedings of the CSCW 2000 (pp. 261–268). New York: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/358916.358997
Nistor, N., Weinberger, A., Lerche, T., Mandl, H., & Gruber, H. (2000). Das virtuelle Seminar "Empirische Erhebungs- und Auswertungsverfahren". In G. Reinmann-Rothmeier und H. Mandl (Eds.), Virtuelle Seminare un Hochschule und Weiterbildung (pp. 107–130). Bern, Germany: Hans Huber.


Reinmann-Rothmeier, G., Deichelmann, E., Christine Erlach, Mandl, H., & Weinberger, A. (1999). Evaluation eines Weiterbildungsmoduls zum Wissensmanagement: Ergebnisse und Folgerungen für das zugrundeliegende Weiterbildungskonzept. Praxisberichte (Vol. 19). Munich: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.
Reinmann-Rothmeier, G., Fink, B., Erlach, C., Weinberger, A., & Mandl, H. (1999). Evaluation eines Strategietrainings zum individuellen Wissensmanagement. Praxisberichte (Vol. 20). Munich: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.
Rick, J. (1999). Functions to features, features to functions, repeat. Position paper for "Knowledge Building Environments" workshop, CSCL 1999, Palo Alto, CA.


Weinberger, A. (1998). Grounding in kooperativen Lernumgebungen: Empirische Untersuchung von Aushandlungsprozessen in computervermittelter und Face-to-Face-Kommunikation. (Unpublished Magister thesis). Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Munich, Germany. [document]