Grand Opening! (1)

A museum is a place where one should loose ones head. – Renzo Piano

For ages, museums have been an important fundament of learning – but by no means old-fashioned. They mix art, knowledge and history with modern elements, and provided immersive educational experiences, long before “immersive” was a word in educational science and technology. 

This year’s EduTech Design Challenge course aims on exploring this concept. We want to expand the typical notion of the term “museum” as an educational tool by intertwining it with modern possibilities of digital teaching.

Museums are educational technology – enough reason to make a museum about educational technology. Enjoy the exhibition and get immersed in the experience.

GRAND OPENING: Monday, 7th of February, 12:00, and Thursday, 10th of February, 12:00



Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, German schools were fully or partially closed for 183 days (1). While receiving home-based education was new for most of German students, for many children home schooling is reality their whole life.


Likes, Hashtags, Reels – Social Media realizes new ways to communicate. The immersive power of Social Media is enormous – So why shouldn’t we use it to convey educational content? 



I have been hacked. I unintentionally shared fake news. I want to connect with others, but don’t know how. Digital Skills are important to live in our society – Hence, they should be taught. A challenge for our educational system!


Hands up – Who does have his or her phone nearby? Our smartphones accompany us everywhere, and can be amazing learning devices. Learn how to free the potential of mobile devices for learning.


Learn and don’t even realize that you are currently learning? Or: Have fun while learning? Game Based Learning and Gamification are en vouge in the educational scene. The future of learning – or just a hype?

(1) Freundl, V., Stiegler, C., & Zierow, L. (2021). Europas Schulen in der Corona-Pandemie–ein Ländervergleich. ifo Schnelldienst74(12), 41-50.

This project is part of the Course “EduTech Design Challenge 2021/2022” at Saarland University. The content shown in the exhibition is created by students of the master program M.Sc. Educational Technology. Learn more under: