Welcome to our Museum!

Click on an icon to jump directly to an exhibit: 

Exhibit 1: Meet the Team

Exhibit 2: Your Knowledge

Exhibit 3: History of Homeschooling

Exhibit 4: Around the World

Exhibit 5: Choose Your Path

Exhibit 6: Future Discussion

Content structuring: The homeschooling museum was structured intentionally to give information first about the past, then the present, and then the future.

Exhibit 1: Meet the team

Exhibit 2: Your Knowledge

MASL: Multimedia Assisted Self-regulated Learning 

– Use proven textbooks and write guidelines for students –> we use different governmental guidelines and research papers for our information 

– Self assessment tasks with feedback –> clicking ‘turn’ in the game 

– In case of wrong answers –> learners are given correct answers once they turn the cards

Exhibit 3: History of Homeschooling

First schools in the 16th century
Homeschooling in the 19th century
Schools in the 20th century
Homeschooling in the 21st century

Cloze Exercise based on Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction

1. Gain attention of students – visual layout of the cloze exercise

2. Inform students of objectives – instructions before the cloze exercise

3. Stimulate recall of prior knowledge – students may have seen cloze exercises before; grammar knowledge will help with guessing where words can fit in cloze

4. Present the content – the cloze is available to all museum guests

5. Provide learning guidance – instructions are present as well as tour guides

6. Elicit performance – instructions are present as well as tour guides

7. Provide feedback – if students get incorrect answer, they are told immediately

8. Assess performance – if students get incorrect answer, they are told immediately

9. Enhance retention and transfer to job – the cloze exercise is related to the rest of the museum

Exhibit 4: Around the World

Here you will find some important facts about Home-schooling in Jamaica, the USA, Colombia, Vietnam, South Africa, and Germany. Click on the plus symbol on these countries on the map and you can find info and testimonials by scrolling down. 


Please have your headphones ready, the videos have audio! 🙂


In the discussion part, please participate by answering the following question: What is the most interesting fact you found about the country you explored?


Jigsaw – each student receives some information that they must report back to their group.

Explain videos – instant graphics, use of hands, short videos that explain a large concept by selecting core ideas

Exhibit 5: Choose your Path

For this section you will choose different paths of homeschooling. Follow the stories of these 5 students to see what their experiences with homeschooling are and how they feel about it. When you are finished, you can try another student’s experience.

Anchored Instruction:  use of videos (h5p interaction in this case) to contextualize learning for students 

Main principles of anchored instruction:  

Complex problem situations → The problem situation is comparable to real situations,   

Embedded data → Important data that is necessary to solve the problem can be found in the video and is part of the story,   

Generative format → Stories are developed in a way to foster the competence to identify and define a problem, 

Video-based format → The problem is presented in an authentic problem situation   

Narrative format → The problem is embedded to a meaningful and entertaining context

Exhibit 6: Future Discussion

Now that you know what it is like for these 5 students, your next task is to put yourself in their shoes. Join the following discussion as the student of your choice (Alejandro, Jeannie, Soraya, Ishmael, Jason) and express what you think their opinion would be on the discussion questions. Once you are finished, add in your own opinion based on what you think!

Goal Based Scenarios: 

– The learner is part of the story: the guests are taking the role of one of the four personas 

– Contexts are situated in real life: once the guest writes their opinion based on their persona, they then give their personal opinion 

– Problem Solving: thinking about homeschooling in the future is an issue many guests will have to tackle in their own lives, either for themselves or for their children


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Coombs, S. (2014, September 2). The Homeschooling alternative in Jamaica & Why we chose that route. Jamaican Mommies. https://jamaicanmommies.com/the-homeschooling-alternative-in-jamaica-why-we-chose-that-route/  

Dalton, M. (2019, October 23). Why is Homeschooling Illegal in Germany? Goethe Institute. https://www.goethe.de/en/uun/prs/auf/n19/21701597.html  

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Gloekner, W., & Jones, P. (2013). Reflections on a Decade of Changes in Homeschooling and the Homeschooled Into Higher Education. Peabody Journal of Education 88(3), 309-323.   

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Homeschool.com. (n.d.). State Homeschooling Laws. Homeschool.com. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from https://www.homeschool.com/articles/state-homeschooling-laws/  

HSLDA. (2020, January 10). What Is Homeschooling and How Does It Work? Take a look at common characteristics of homeschooling that empower parents to help each child thrive. Home School Legal Defense Association. https://hslda.org/post/what-is-homeschooling  

Kabiri, L.S., Messineo, A., Gattu, N., Ray, B.D., Iammarino, N.K. (2021, November). Health-Related Physical Fitness and Activity in Homeschool: A Systematic Review With Implications for Return to Public School. Journal of School Health 91(11), 948-958. DOI: 10.1111/josh.13080  

Livemaster. (2017, April 9). Photos of American Schools in the Early 20th Century. Livemaster. https://www.livemaster.com/topic/2522007-photos-of-american-schools-in-the-early-20th-century 

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Oxford Home Schooling. (n.d.). Homeschooling and UK Law. Oxford Home Schooling. Retrieved December 11, 2021, from https://www.oxfordhomeschooling.co.uk/general/home-schooling-the-law/   

Parmigiani, D., Benigno, V., Giusto, M., Silvaggio, C., & Sperandio, S. (2020, December 22). E-inclusion: online special education in Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Technology, Pedagogy and Education 30(1), 111-124. DOI: 10.1080/1475939X.2020.1856714 

Ray, B.D. (2021, September 9). Research Facts on Homeschooling. National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI). Retrieved November 21, 2021, from https://www.nheri.org/research-facts-on-homeschooling/  

Wearne, E. (2021, July 27). Hybrid homeschools: Organization, regulatory environments and reactions to COVID-19. Journal of Pedagogy 12(1), 99-118. DOI 10.2478/jped-2021-0005  

Wikipedia. (2022, February 5). Homeschooling. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeschooling 

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Yazcayir, G., & Gurgur, H. (2021). Students with Special Needs in Digital Classrooms during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey. Pedagogical Research, 6(1), em0088. https://doi.org/10.29333/pr/9356